Selection and calibration of capacitors for use as Standards is a challenging task, especially since the accuracies required, depening on the application, can be very demanding for the test gear as well as for the secondary- and working-standards used.
a val'iable capacitor by step-up methods. If the variable air capacitor, X, having a range from 100 to 1,100 pf, is to be calibrated at every 100-pf division mark, it is necessary to have a fixed air capacitor, S, of approximately 100 pf that can be connected in parallel with the variable capacitor under test in a precisely repeatable manner.
2. Capacitance Calibration The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a national primary standard of high accuracy, secondary/working Standards derived from it, and a capacitance- (or LCR-) meter used for the measurement (i.e. calibration) of the devices under test (DUT).
capacitance difference. An excellent description of a step-up method applied to tbe calibraLion of decade capacitors for both capacitance and dissipation factor has been described by Ford and AstbUl'Y of the British National Physical Laboratory .
The most accurate capacitor calibrations have an uncertainty of ±25 ppm for capacitance and an un- certainty of ±5xlO~* for dissipation factor. For capacitors with large dissipation factors, the dissi- pation factor uncertainty is generally at least ±1% of the measured value ±5X 10~*.
The NIST calibration procedure for fused-silica standard capacitors can be described in terms of the reference characterization, reference and customer measurements, data processing, and report generation. Fig. 1 shows the traceability chain for NIST fused-silica standard capacitor calibrations.
Calibration of voltage transformers and high-voltage capacitors …
Key words: calibration; capacitors; dissi- pation factor; electric power; electrical standards; NIST services; voltage trans- formers. Accepted: February 15,1989 1. Introduction This paper describes the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) methodology for calibrating high-voltage capacitors and trans- formers. This should ...
Calibration of voltage transformers and high-voltage capacitors
Key words: calibration; capacitors; dissi- pation factor; electric power; electrical standards; NIST services; voltage trans- formers. Accepted: February 15,1989 1. Introduction This paper …
Capacitance changes of the order of 20 ppm can occur in most capacitors for several reasons. Perhaps the most obvious source of change is mechanical displacement of the capacitor …
Capacitance changes of the order of 20 ppm can occur in most capacitors for several reasons. Perhaps the most obvious source of change is mechanical displacement of the capacitor plates, resulting from vibration or shock in transport or in handling. Most capacitors must be handled with particular care to keep such changes below 20 ppm.
LMS-Based Background Calibration of Bit Weights in SAR ADC …
This paper presents a least-mean-square-based (LMS-based) background calibration algorithm with reinforcement learning optimization to calibrate the capacitor mismatch in successive approximation-register (SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). When calibrating capacitor mismatch, the convergence speed and stability of the conventional LMS-based …
Optimizing the Use of Commercial Capacitance Bridges in
Technology (NIST) have developed procedures using commercial capacitance bridges to expand the frequency range of calibrations offered for fused-silica standards while decreasing the …
A Simple Histogram-Based Capacitor Mismatch Calibration in …
This brief presents a simple capacitor mismatch calibration in SAR ADCs, which is in foreground and on chip. Capacitor errors are extracted based on output histogram under a triangular input signal generated on chip and compensated by tuning capacitors with a calibration DAC. A novel one-by-one strategy can simplify the extraction by isolating the individual …
Standard Capacitor Calibration Procedure Implemented Using …
Accurate calibration of capacitors that range from 1nF to 100 μF over a wide frequency range (100 Hz to 100 kHz) is a demanding task. There are several instruments commercially …
The reference fused-silica standard capacitors of value 100 pF, 10 pF, and 1 pF are calibrated directly against the Farad Bank at 1592 Hz at least once per year to determine …
Capacitor Calibration by Step-Up Methods
The excellent precision of repetitive substitution procedures is exploited by step-up or step-down methods to extend measurements to higher or lower magnitudes without …
A miniature capacitance dilatometer for thermal expansion and ...
A very small capacitive sensor for measuring thermal expansion and magnetostriction of small and irregular shaped samples has been developed. A capacitive method with tilted plates is used. The tilted plate capacitance formula is used for the calculation of the capacitor gap, the calibration is performed by measuring the signal of a standard ...
Developing a Dissipation Factor Calibration Service for Standard ...
The calibration method uses fused-silica standard capacitors of values 1 pF, 10 pF, and 100 pF that have been characterized for dissipation factor against a 0.5 pF cross capacitor, as well as …
Capacitance Standards and their Calibration
2. Capacitance Calibration The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a national primary standard of high accuracy, secondary/working …
An 18-bit SAR ADC with Mixed DAC and Capacitive Recombination Calibration
This paper presents a high-resolution 18-bit SAR ADC with a high 10-bit capacitor DAC and a low 8-bit resistor DAC. The total required number of the unit capacitors is decreased to 512. Foreground digital calibration based on capacitive recombination is introduced to improve linearity. Preamplifiers and output offset storage(OOS) enhance the noise and …
Study of Standard Mica Capacitors with Respect to Time and
Standard mica capacitors manufactured by General Radio are widely used by National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) and other calibration laboratories. The temperature coefficient and stability of standard mica capacitors play significant role in precision measurement. This paper reports the study of standard mica capacitor (General Radio make) with respect to …
A miniature capacitance dilatometer for thermal expansion and ...
A very small capacitive sensor for measuring thermal expansion and magnetostriction of small and irregular shaped samples has been developed. A capacitive method with tilted plates is …
Thermal Expansion of Silicon Between 293 K and 873 K Using a Capacitor …
Calibration of the capacitor extensometer was made using NIST fused silica and NIST stainless steel. The total thermal expansion of three silicon spec- imens measured between 20 °C and 600 °C was 2074.83 µstrain with a standard deviation of 17.43 µstrain. The hysteresis dierence between the warming and cool-ing curves for the silicon was less than 7 µstrain. Keywords …
Capacitance Standards and their Calibration
2. Capacitance Calibration The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a national primary standard of high accuracy, secondary/working Standards derived from it, and a capacitance- (or LCR-) meter used for the measurement (i.e. calibration) of the devices under test (DUT). This meter is normally
The reference fused-silica standard capacitors of value 100 pF, 10 pF, and 1 pF are calibrated directly against the Farad Bank at 1592 Hz at least once per year to determine the drift of the standards.
Lab 1: Resistor-Capacitor Circuits
A resistor-capacitor, or RC, circuit is an important circuit in electrical engineering; it is used in a variety of applications such as self-oscillating, timing, and filter circuits, these are just to name a few examples this lab, you will investigate how the RC circuit responds when a DC voltage source is applied to it and learn about the charging and discharging properties of the capacitor.
Optimizing the Use of Commercial Capacitance Bridges in
Technology (NIST) have developed procedures using commercial capacitance bridges to expand the frequency range of calibrations offered for fused-silica standards while decreasing the combined standard uncertainties well below the 1 μF/F level across a large range of audio
A 12 bit 120MS/s SHA-less pipeline ADC with capacitor ...
In order to improve the accuracy of capacitor calibration, the backend ADC is with 9bit resolution. The raw output data of the core stages will be sent to the delay alignment array and output 12bit data after digital correction. The 2.5-bit MDAC transfer function (Fig. 2(a)) shows that when the input signal is close to full scale range, a large output swing is necessary for residue amplifier ...
Developing a Dissipation Factor Calibration Service for Standard ...
The calibration method uses fused-silica standard capacitors of values 1 pF, 10 pF, and 100 pF that have been characterized for dissipation factor against a 0.5 pF cross capacitor, as well as against a 10 pF nitrogen capacitor at frequencies from 50 Hz to 20 kHz.
Capacitor calibration by step-up methods.
Very little special equipment is needed to calibrate a val''iable capacitor by step-up methods. If the variable air capacitor, X, having a range from 100 to 1,100 pf, is to be calibrated at every 100 …
Capacitor Calibration by Step-Up Methods
The excellent precision of repetitive substitution procedures is exploited by step-up or step-down methods to extend measurements to higher or lower magnitudes without serious degradation of accuracy. The application of step-up techniques to the calibration of variable air capacitors is described in this paper as a practical example ...
APPENDIX A Report of Calibration for NIST Service ID 52130C/52131C . APPENDIX B Report of Calibration for NIST Service ID 52140C/52141C . APPENDIX C Report of Calibration for NIST Service ID 52160C/52161C . APPENDIX D AH2700A Capacitance Bridge Accuracy for 1 pF, 10 pF, 100 pF, and 1000 pF Standards
Capacitor calibration by step-up methods.
Very little special equipment is needed to calibrate a val''iable capacitor by step-up methods. If the variable air capacitor, X, having a range from 100 to 1,100 pf, is to be calibrated at every 100-pf division mark, it is necessary to have a fixed air capacitor, S, …
Digital nonlinearity calibration for pipelined ADCs using sampling ...
When evenly capacitor splitting is perfectly achieved, we will have C 1k ¼ C 2k ¼ C k=2, W 1k ¼ W 2k ¼ W k=2, and V0 res ¼ V00 res ¼ V res=2, thus ei-ther MODEB or MODEBB, together with the normal operation in Fig. 3, could Fig. 4. Circuit implementation of V res scaling by MDAC capacitor splitting (a) Capacitor splitting (b) MDAC ...
Explaining Capacitors and the Different Types | DigiKey
Particularly significant are thermal expansion stresses during soldering operations when parts are assembled onto a board. Because these stresses can cause faults that did not exist (and are therefore undetectable) at …