Selection and calibration of capacitors for use as Standards is a challenging task, especially since the accuracies required, depening on the application, can be very demanding for the test gear as well as for the secondary- and working-standards used.
2. Capacitance Calibration The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a national primary standard of high accuracy, secondary/working Standards derived from it, and a capacitance- (or LCR-) meter used for the measurement (i.e. calibration) of the devices under test (DUT).
Our most popular capacitance standard is the one with a cost and flexibility that make it preferred. Typical capacitors, observed over decades, have shown random fluctuations of less than + 0.01% in measured capacitance with no evidence of systemic drift. They are available with a variety of connectors such as BNC and binding posts.
The SCA Standard Capacitor series have a capacitance range of 1 pF - 10,000 µF. They are highly stable, cost-effective capacitance standards with low temperature coefficient and low losses, making them our most popular capacitance standard.
IET Labs can also provide accredited calibration for Dissipation Factor-Measure using the AH2700A. IET Labs is one of just a few accredited calibration laboratories, for Capacitance-Measure using the Andeen-Hagerling AH2700A. This allows us to calibrate your capacitance standards at various frequencies from 50 Hz to 20 kHz.
Consequently, the GR1403 capacitors used for the calibration/verification of our IET1689 digibridge have this uncertainty (plus the related temperature drift uncertainty for a +/-2K temperature uncertainty; normal distribution). Thus, these capacitors are calibrated to 133ppm or 0,0133% worst case.
Capacitance Standard
IET is the World''s Leading Capacitance Standard Manufacturer. With 50+ years of stability data and history, IET Labs manufactures a full line of standard capacitors that will cover most any budget and application. From the world''s most stable to our cost-effective models We manufacturer units with a range of 1 pF to 10,000 µF
Capacitance Standard
The SCA Standard Capacitor series are highly stable cost-effective capacitance standards with low temperature coefficient, low losses and a wide range of values of 1 pF - 10,000 µF. The cost and flexibility make this our most popular capacitance standard. Inexpensive solution for calibration of LCR meters
GenRad 1408 series standard capacitors
The continuously improving accuracy of capacitor calibrations by NIST brings a better knowledge of capacitance to standards laboratories provided, of course, the laboratories have adequate reference standards. The IET Labs, GenRad 1408 Reference Standard Capacitors, with their high stability, are suitable for calibration in parts in 107.
ISO 17025 High Voltage Calibrations | Request a Quote
Constellation PowerLabs offers the broadest scope of high voltage calibration and testing …
Calibration of voltage transformers and high-voltage capacitors …
assigning a value to a standard capacitor. The stan- dard capacitor used in this service is directly trace- able to the calculable cross capacitor [4] which, in turn, is known in terms of the fundamental unit of length. The remainder of this paper is divided into the following subject areas: voltage transformers and capacitors covered by the service, measurement methodology, …
SCA Series Capacitance Standard
The SCA Standard Capacitor series are highly stable cost-effective capacitance standards with low temperature coefficient, low losses and a wide range of values of 1 pF - 10,000 µF. The cost and flexibility make this our most popular capacitance standard. From 1 pF to 10 pF, these are made from precision air capacitors. Up to 1 µF, the ...
Capacitor Meter Calibration Services | ACS Calibration Lab
ACS Calibration offers laboratory and on-site Capacitor Meter Calibration Services. Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited, National Institutes of Technology (NIST) traceable Capacitor Meter Calibration services will ensure that your instruments can …
Calibration of standard capacitor measurement-BAIJIAN
The main calibration content of the BAIJIAN standard capacitor includes: precision …
ISO 17025 High Voltage Calibrations | Request a Quote
Constellation PowerLabs offers the broadest scope of high voltage calibration and testing services in the Americas, holding ISO 17025 accreditation and more. Our expertise covers high-voltage, high-current, lightning impulse, and partial discharge calibration—services that …
Calibration of standard capacitor measurement-BAIJIAN
The main calibration content of the BAIJIAN standard capacitor includes: precision measurement of physical constants related to standard capacitors、 determination of the radio electrical unit system、 and research、 reproduction、 and preservation of the measurement standards and standards for radio electrical units according to the ...
Capacitance Standard
The SCA Standard Capacitor series are highly stable cost-effective capacitance standards with low temperature coefficient, low losses and a wide range of values of 1 pF - 10,000 µF. The cost and flexibility make this our most popular …
[PDF] Standard Capacitor Calibration Procedure Implemented …
A capacitance scaling method is used to calibrate standard capacitors and a calibration procedure based on this reference is insufficient for duplication of the measurement system and implementation of the calibration procedure. A capacitance scaling method is used to calibrate standard capacitors. This is a very powerful technique that was introduced by Aoki …
Capacitance Meter Calibration Standards and LCR Meter Test …
Capacitor calibration standards are available in the values of 10pF, 100pF, 1nF, 10nF, and 100nF. These standards can be used to calibrate or check the calibration of our Model 3000 Capacitance Meter. They have 2-BNC connectors on 0.750 inch centers and are designed for direction connection the Model 3000 Capacitance Meter (see picture below).
SCA Series Capacitance Standard
The SCA Standard Capacitor series are highly stable cost-effective capacitance standards with …
An accurate on-site calibration system for electronic voltage ...
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/aaa6a0 Corpus ID: 116712121; An accurate on-site calibration system for electronic voltage transformers using a standard capacitor @article{Hu2018AnAO, title={An accurate on-site calibration system for electronic voltage transformers using a standard capacitor}, author={Chen Hu and Mianzhou Chen and Hongbin …
Capacitance Calibration — Capacitance Standards and …
We can calibrate most capacitance standards or capacitance decades from 10 aF — 10 F with some of the best measurement uncertainties, as good as 4.8 µF/F, of any commercial calibration...
Capacitance Standard Calibration
We can calibrate most capacitance standards or capacitance decades from 10 aF - 10 F with some of the best measurement uncertainties, as good as 4.8 µF/F, of any commercial calibration laboratory. Please contact our sales staff, by …
Capacitor Calibration by Step-Up Methods
Summary--Step-calibration methods are used in many physical laboratories for the extension of measurements to quantities far removed from the magnitude of greatest accuracy at which absolute determinations are made. The excellent precision of repetitive substitution procedures is exploited by step-up or step-down methods to extend measurements to higher or lower …
Study of Standard Mica Capacitors with Respect to Time and
Standard mica capacitors manufactured by General Radio are widely used by National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) and other calibration laboratories. The temperature coefficient and stability of standard mica capacitors play significant role in precision measurement. This paper reports the study of standard mica capacitor (General Radio make) with respect to …
Capacitance Standard Calibration
We can calibrate most capacitance standards or capacitance decades from 10 aF - 10 F with some of the best measurement uncertainties, as good as 4.8 µF/F, of any commercial calibration laboratory. Please contact our sales staff, by phone or online, who will be pleased to give you a quote for the calibration or repair of your equipment.
Capacitance Standards and their Calibration
The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a national primary standard of high accuracy, secondary/working Standards derived from it, and a capacitance- (or LCR-) meter used for the measurement (i.e. calibration) of the devices under test (DUT). This meter is normally
Capacitance Standards, Decade Capacitor, Capacitance Bridges
The national laboratory standard for capacitance; For calibrating highest level standards; Standard for dissipation factor; 5 year warranty included
Capacitor Meter Calibration Services | ACS Calibration Lab
ACS Calibration offers laboratory and on-site Capacitor Meter Calibration Services. Our …
GenRad 1409 series standard capacitor
The GenRad 1409 standard capacitor are fixed mica capacitors of very high stability for use as two- or three-terminal reference or working standards in the laboratory. Highly stable cost-effective capacitance standards with low temperature coefficient, low losses and a wide range of values. Features. 0.001µF to 1000µF; ± 0.01% / year stability; Verify meter and …
Developing a Dissipation Factor Calibration Service for Standard ...
quality of the capacitor. Fig. 1 shows the traceability chain for NIST 3T standard capacitor calibrations of dissipation factor. 100 pF, 10 pF, 1 pF Primary Reference Standards 100 pF, 10 pF, 1 pF Calibration Reference Standards 100 pF, 10 pF, 1 pF Customer Standards Cross Capacitor/10 pF Nitrogen Capacitor 50 Hz to 20 kHz Fig. 1. NIST 3T ...
Capacitance Standards and their Calibration
The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a …
Capacitor calibration by step-up methods.
Capacitor Calibration by Step-Up Methods Thomas 1. Za pf (October 8, 1959) Step-calibration methods are used in many physical laboratories for the extension of measurements tc! quantities far r emov d from the magnitude of greatest accuracy at which absolute. determmatlOns are made. The excellent precision of repetitive substitut ion pro cedures IS exploited by step-up. or …
Capacitance Calibration — Capacitance Standards and Service
We can calibrate most capacitance standards or capacitance decades from 10 aF — 10 F with some of the best measurement uncertainties, as good as 4.8 µF/F, of any commercial calibration...