Selection and calibration of capacitors for use as Standards is a challenging task, especially since the accuracies required, depening on the application, can be very demanding for the test gear as well as for the secondary- and working-standards used.
a val'iable capacitor by step-up methods. If the variable air capacitor, X, having a range from 100 to 1,100 pf, is to be calibrated at every 100-pf division mark, it is necessary to have a fixed air capacitor, S, of approximately 100 pf that can be connected in parallel with the variable capacitor under test in a precisely repeatable manner.
6. Conclusion Step-calibration methods can be employed for the calibration of variable capacitors. The few neces sary items of equipment are generally available in any electrical measurements laboratory.
2. Capacitance Calibration The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a national primary standard of high accuracy, secondary/working Standards derived from it, and a capacitance- (or LCR-) meter used for the measurement (i.e. calibration) of the devices under test (DUT).
capacitance difference. An excellent description of a step-up method applied to tbe calibraLion of decade capacitors for both capacitance and dissipation factor has been described by Ford and AstbUl'Y of the British National Physical Laboratory .
Procedure and Computations The true value of each of the capacitors involved in the calibration may be defined as the nominal value plus a correction; thus, the true capacitance of the uncalibrated 100-pf capacitor is S= Sn+s, where Sn= lOO (exactly) and s is the small correction.
A novel capacitor recombination calibration method applied to …
This paper proposes an off-line capacitor selection calibration method that uses an optimal sequence of unity elements for an overall improvement of Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio (SNDR), Spurious-Free Dynamic Range (SFDR), differential nonlinearity (DNL) and integral nonlinearity (INL). It is worth mentioning that the capacitor mismatch ...
Capacitor Calibration by Step-Up Methods
The excellent precision of repetitive substitution procedures is exploited by step-up or step-down methods to extend measurements to higher or lower magnitudes without …
A 12 bit 120MS/s SHA-less pipeline ADC with capacitor ...
In order to improve the accuracy of capacitor calibration, the backend ADC is with 9bit resolution. The raw output data of the core stages will be sent to the delay alignment array and output 12bit data after digital correction. The 2.5-bit MDAC transfer function (Fig. 2(a)) shows that when the input signal is close to full scale range, a large output swing is necessary for residue amplifier ...
Calibration of Capacitor Mismatch and Static Comparator Offset …
This paper presents a robust method to perform capacitor mismatch calibration in a redundant SAR ADCs correcting the effect of comparator static offset in the calibration process. Without proper handling of this effect, capacitor miscalibration can occur due to saturation of the redundancy intervals associated with implemented weights ...
Calibration capacitors | Kistler
Calibration capacitors, high insulation > 10E14 Ω, capacitances from 10 to 100000 pF / 5371A. 5371A. These precision capacitors convert voltage to charge, and are for testing charge amplifiers. / . Ideally suited for verification of charge amplifiers ; High precision (0.5%) Great thermal stability (–0.014 %/°C) High insulation (10E14 Ω) Wide variety of …
Giovanni Moroni | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Giovanni Moroni received the Laurea (cum laude) degree in industrial and management engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. He has been a Full Professor in …
Capacitor Mismatch Calibration For SAR ADCs Based On …
Fig. 6. Implementaion of the proposed calibration technique. The real implemented calibration scheme works as follow-ing. When calibrating the 𝑗-th capacitor, a full swing analog input is swept ...
A Histogram-Based Calibration Algorithm of Capacitor Mismatch …
The conversion accuracy of successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is mainly affected by the capacitor mismatch. In this brief, a histogram-based calibration technique is proposed, which does not require any additional analog circuitry. In this work, the method of partial fitting is used to detect irregular code densities, and construct a …
Accurate Technique for the Calibration of High-Voltage ...
The technique developed in this paper has significantly improved the calibration of capacitance and DF at high voltages. Capacitance bridges play a pivotal role in the …
Capacitor calibration by step-up methods.
Very little special equipment is needed to calibrate a val''iable capacitor by step-up methods. If the variable air capacitor, X, having a range from 100 to 1,100 pf, is to be calibrated at every 100-pf division mark, it is necessary to have a fixed air capacitor, S, …
Calibration of Capacitor Mismatch and Static Comparator Offset in …
This paper presents a robust method to perform capacitor mismatch calibration in a redundant SAR ADCs correcting the effect of comparator static offset in the calibration process. Without …
A novel capacitor recombination calibration method applied to 18 …
This paper proposes an off-line capacitor selection calibration method that uses an optimal sequence of unity elements for an overall improvement of Signal to Noise and …
Accurate Technique for the Calibration of High-Voltage ...
The technique developed in this paper has significantly improved the calibration of capacitance and DF at high voltages. Capacitance bridges play a pivotal role in the measuring chain, but they also require a standard capacitor during calibration. Two coaxial cables are essential for connecting the outputs of both capacitors to the inputs of ...
A substitution method for nanoscale capacitance calibration using ...
This paper presents a calibration method and an uncertainty budget for capacitance measurements performed on micrometric size capacitors at microwave …
Calibration of voltage transformers and high-voltage capacitors …
Calibrations at frequencies from 50-400 Hz are avail- able over a more limited voltage range. The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance and dissipation factor at applied voltages ranging from. 100 V to 170 kV at …
Capacitance Standards and their Calibration
For the calibration of capacitance- (or LCR) meters, Capacitance Standards with accurately known values for C and D at a given frequency are required. While it is possible to determine these values very precisely at lower frequencies (1kHz is mostly used), this gets harder at higher frequencies due to the increasing impact of parasitic parameters.
Capacitor calibration by step-up methods.
Very little special equipment is needed to calibrate a val''iable capacitor by step-up methods. If the variable air capacitor, X, having a range from 100 to 1,100 pf, is to be calibrated at every 100 …
We describe here a method which, by measuring three capacitance standards with the quadrature bridge only, permits to derive the value of each capacitor without resorting to other …
A 12-bit Fully Differential SARADC with a Novel Capacitor …
This paper presents a fully differential 12-bit SAR ADC with a novel capacitor mismatch calibration. The calibration calculates the capacitor mismatch via the metastability of the comparator and statistical method. A novel metastability detection circuit is designed to ensure the detection accuracy and avoid the "fake metastability" problem. Post-simulation shows that the …
A substitution method for nanoscale capacitance calibration using ...
This paper presents a calibration method and an uncertainty budget for capacitance measurements performed on micrometric size capacitors at microwave frequencies and nanometric resolution using a scanning microwave microscopy (SMM). The method applies the classical one-port vector network analyzer calibration for SMM using three ...
Capacitor Calibration by Step-Up Methods
The excellent precision of repetitive substitution procedures is exploited by step-up or step-down methods to extend measurements to higher or lower magnitudes without serious degradation of accuracy. The application of step-up techniques to the calibration of variable air capacitors is described in this paper as a practical example of the method.
High Performance SAR A/D Converter with Calibration Techniques …
cost. The calibration is performed using the input signal, watching the data stream to find the missing or wide code at ADC output, judge and feed back to the compensation capacitor so as to relax the nonlinearity suffer from the CDAC mismatch. The calibration does not require special input signal and extra analog hardware and offset-free
Performing Impedance Calibration
When you measure Q, D, and ESR of RF capacitors and RF inductors by using the reflection method with the 16201A terminal adapter and Keysight''s 7 mm test fixtures, performing the low-loss capacitor (LLC) calibration in addition to the open/short/load improves the accuracy of Q, D, and ESR measurements at high frequencies over 1GHz. The LLC provides a reference for …
Capacitor Calibration by Step-Up Methods
Summary--Step-calibration methods are used in many physical laboratories for the extension of measurements to quantities far removed from the magnitude of greatest accuracy at which absolute determinations are made. The excellent precision of repetitive substitution procedures is exploited by step-up or step-down methods to extend measurements to higher or lower …
A capacitive mismatch calibration method for SAR ADCs based …
To address the capacitance array mismatch in SAR ADCs, this paper proposes a novel capacitor calibration scheme based on the Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC). This scheme achieves calibration accuracy as high as 0.01% and can be flexibly designed to meet the accuracy requirements of SAR ADCs. Simulation results indicate that the capacitance …
We describe here a method which, by measuring three capacitance standards with the quadrature bridge only, permits to derive the value of each capacitor without resorting to other measurement systems. The method has been checked with an automated quadrature bridge at the level of 1 nF, and verified by measurement on a ratio bridge.
Developing a Dissipation Factor Calibration Service for Standard ...
factor from the calibration reference standard capacitors to the customer fused-silica standard capacitors. The procedure is similar for other types of 3T standard capacitors (air/nitrogen-dielectric, ceramic), although the uncertainty changes slightly, dependent upon the relative quality of the capacitor. Fig. 1 shows the traceability chain for NIST 3T standard capacitor calibrations …
Calibration of voltage transformers and high-voltage capacitors
Calibrations at frequencies from 50-400 Hz are avail- able over a more limited voltage range. The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance and dissipation …
Giovanni Moroni | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Giovanni Moroni received the Laurea (cum laude) degree in industrial and management engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. He has been a Full Professor in manufacturing technology and systems with the Politecnico di Milano since 2005. He has also been the Head of the Manufacturing and Production Systems Research Line ...
Capacitance Standards and their Calibration
For the calibration of capacitance- (or LCR) meters, Capacitance Standards with accurately known values for C and D at a given frequency are required. While it is possible to determine …