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Is there any current when the battery is not connected to the power supply

Key Takeaways Key Points. A simple circuit consists of a voltage source and a resistor. Ohm ''s law gives the relationship between current I, voltage V, and resistance R in a simple circuit: I = V/R.; The SI unit for measuring the rate of flow of electric charge is the ampere, which is equal to a charge flowing through some surface at the rate of one coulomb per second.

What happens if a power supply is not connected to a circuit?

When the power supply is not connected to a circuit, there will be no current flowing, therefore: V = E - 0 x r . V = E . i.e. the e.m.f voltage, is equal to the open circuit terminal voltage of the power supply. The internal resistance can be determined, by connecting a circuit of known resistance and measuring the current that flows.

Why does a battery drop voltage if it's open or closed?

When the battery is open you are measuring an open cell voltage. When the battery is in the system it's closed cell voltage under load. You are dropping some voltage across the internal impedance of the battery because your system is drawing current when the measurement is being made (so at the terminals the voltage is indeed lower).

Which voltage is greatest when a battery is disconnected?

The voltage on the terminals is greatest when the battery is disconnected, because it's sufficient to stop the chemical reactions. When the battery is being drained by a circuit, the voltage is a little lower, allowing reactions to proceed. The higher the drain, the lower the voltage, the faster the chemical reactions, and the greater the current.

What happens when a power supply is applied to an external circuit?

When this power supply model is applied to an external circuit, then the circuit current also flows through the internal resistance. This produces an internal voltage drop inside the power supply, which therefore reduces the voltage across the power supply terminals.

What happens if a battery is not broken?

As long as the battery continues to produce voltage and the continuity of the electrical path isn’t broken, charge carriers will continue to flow in the circuit. Following the metaphor of water moving through a pipe, this continuous, uniform flow of charge through the circuit is called a current.

Is a battery connected to anything?

A battery is not connected to anything. Is there a voltage between its plus and minus poles? The electro-chemical reactions inside the battery happen only when there's a closed circuit.

Module 4 Electric Current-The Battery | Science 111

Key Takeaways Key Points. A simple circuit consists of a voltage source and a resistor. Ohm ''s law gives the relationship between current I, voltage V, and resistance R in a simple circuit: I = V/R.; The SI unit for measuring the rate of flow of electric charge is the ampere, which is equal to a charge flowing through some surface at the rate of one coulomb per second.

Internal Resistance | Batteries & Other Power Supplies

When the power supply is not connected to a circuit, there will be no current flowing, therefore: V = E - 0 x r . V = E . i.e. the e.m.f voltage, is equal to the open circuit terminal voltage of the …


There is no current when there is no closed circuit. But the above seems completely inconsistent with how people speak of open-circuit voltage, as existing independent of actually measuring it. Open circuits may have voltage, and this voltage exists independently of attempts to measure it.

What happens with the current in a circuit that is not …

If you connect it to a 12V supply, the power will reach 1Watt, which may be far above its rated power. If you add a series resistance, the …

Current flow in batteries?

Technically, current may or may not flow when a wire is connected that way. It all depends on whether or not there is a potential difference in charges between those two terminals. If the difference is small, little/no current will flow. This holds true for any wire connected between any two terminals, anywhere.

Is a Battery AC or DC? Explained in Simple Terms

There are two main types of batteries: those that supply direct current (DC) power and those that supply alternating current (AC) power. The battery is an electrical device that operates as a source of DC power. It can either be a single source, providing a constant flow of current in one direction, or it can be a series of cells, each producing its own direct current.

Voltage and Current | Basic Concepts Of Electricity

When a voltage source is connected to a circuit, the voltage will cause a uniform flow of charge carriers through that circuit called a current. In a single (one loop) circuit, the amount of current at any point is the same as the amount of current at any other point.

Internal Resistance | Batteries & Other Power Supplies

When the power supply is not connected to a circuit, there will be no current flowing, therefore: V = E - 0 x r . V = E . i.e. the e.m.f voltage, is equal to the open circuit terminal voltage of the power supply. The internal resistance can be determined, by connecting a circuit of known resistance and measuring the current that flows.

3.3: Networks of Batteries and Resistors

resistance: There are electrical components called resistors whose sole purpose is to provide resistance to part of a circuit, but use of this symbol goes beyond that single application. For example, if one wants to incorporate the resistance present in a wire in a symbolic diagram, they will use straight lines (equipotentials) to specify where that wire is connected, and will also …

power supply

2. Battery charge shutoff is a thing. There was a time where you could "overcharge" a battery by leaving it plugged in, but most decent electronics now disconnect the battery from the incoming power when the battery reaches 100% charge. Remember, battery measurement hardware is usually cheap junk. If you''ve got a good, high-end laptop, chances ...

What happens with the current in a circuit that is not consumed by any …

If you connect it to a 12V supply, the power will reach 1Watt, which may be far above its rated power. If you add a series resistance, the current and voltage across the lamp will be lower, but the energy dissipated in the resistance is wasted.

Is keeping a laptop connected to power supply harmful for its battery ...

In reality, no. Modern computer build in with hardware current control, once it is fully charged, it will use ac power instead, you can touch the battery when it is charing and fully charged to feel the different.

Current flow in batteries?

Technically, current may or may not flow when a wire is connected that way. It all depends on whether or not there is a potential difference in charges between those two …

Voltage and Current | Basic Concepts Of Electricity

When a voltage source is connected to a circuit, the voltage will cause a uniform flow of charge carriers through that circuit called a current. In a single (one loop) circuit, the amount of current at any point is the same as the amount of current …

What If Charger Is Plugged To Supply But Not Connected To A …

You see, the electricity coming from a power pole is AC (alternating current), and as such, it must be converted to DC (direct current) so it can be used to charge batteries. You can read about AC and DC in detail in this article: Alternating Current (AC) Vs Direct Current …

Does battery voltage actually get lower when connected to a …

Meanwhile, the power supply draws 10A (1200VA) from the AC mains. Wiring voltage drop predictably increases to 2.0 volts, so voltage at the power suppy is 118V. Most likely a switching power supply pulls a skitch more current to compensate, otherwise its output voltage would sag also. No current is being drawn on safety ground, so it''s not ...

Batteries, current, and Ohm''s law

When a battery or power supply sets up a difference in potential between two parts of a wire, an electric field is created and the electrons respond to that field. In a current-carrying conductor, …

power supply

Yes. Generally anything with a transformer in it will draw at least some power when plugged in. See here for more details on the types of devices that will typically use power even when off. The only thing that will keep a device from drawing standby power is if you actually break the circuit that the device is plugged into.


When the battery is in the system it''s closed cell voltage under load. You are dropping some voltage across the internal impedance of the battery because your system is …

If Something is Plugged in But Turned Off, Does it Still …

Many people assume that a plugged-in device, when not in use, will not consume electricity. If it does not "work," then it should not consume electricity either, right? Many devices, such as a table lamp or radio, are …

What If Charger Is Plugged To Supply But Not Connected To A …

You see, the electricity coming from a power pole is AC (alternating current), and as such, it must be converted to DC (direct current) so it can be used to charge batteries. You can read about AC and DC in detail in this article: Alternating Current (AC) Vs Direct Current (DC)

What Happens if a Solar Panel is Not Connected?

Also See: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Solar Battery Storage . 2. Solar Panel Not Connected to Inverter. If a solar panel is not connected to an inverter, the produced DC (direct current) power from the solar panels cannot be converted into AC (alternating current) power. However, the detailed consequences of not connecting an inverter are ...

power supply

Wonder if when I leave it connected to the outlet but not connected to the laptop, it still consumes electricity. Depends on the charger. A few (such as Apple''s charger) detect when they''re plugged in and turn themselves off (leaving only …


There is no current when there is no closed circuit. But the above seems completely inconsistent with how people speak of open-circuit voltage, as existing independent …

What Current Does a Battery Produce? (AC Or DC Current)

A battery produces an electric current when it is connected to a circuit. The current is produced by the movement of electrons through the battery''s electrodes and into the external circuit. The amount of current produced by a battery depends on the type of battery, its age, and its operating conditions. Is a Battery AC Or DC Current?

If Something is Plugged in But Turned Off, Does it Still Use Power?

Many people assume that a plugged-in device, when not in use, will not consume electricity. If it does not "work," then it should not consume electricity either, right? Many devices, such as a table lamp or radio, are turned off, but not all devices.


When the battery is in the system it''s closed cell voltage under load. You are dropping some voltage across the internal impedance of the battery because your system is drawing current when the measurement is being made (so …

power supply

Wonder if when I leave it connected to the outlet but not connected to the laptop, it still consumes electricity. Depends on the charger. A few (such as Apple''s charger) detect when they''re plugged in and turn themselves off (leaving only a very microscopic current drain) when not plugged in.

power supply

Technically speaking, you don''t even need a closed DC circuit to consume energy. Batteries lose power all the time too. Good adapters leak even less than that; poor ones can go around a watt when idle - but even that''s a tiny amount of power. Unless you''re going really hard avoiding electricity waste, it''s nothing to worry about. –

power supply

A common fix that I use with clients who ask me, and whenever I am having issues, is to unplug the battery and the power cord, and press and hold the power button for 60 seconds to eliminate all charge built up in the computer. Then, plug in the power cord but NOT the battery. Turn on and off the computer (properly) and then replace the battery ...