The optimal capacitor placement is defined by determination of the number, location, type and size of the capacitors installed in the radial distribution network. In such problem, different objective functions may be defined.
In this section, the performance of CSA is investigated for optimal capacitor placement of two radial distribution networks. The selected case study is a 23 kV nine-section feeder represented in Fig. 3. Table 1 shows the specification of the active and reactive loads of each bus.
For compensating reactive power, shunt capacitors are often installed in electrical distribution networks. Consequently, in such systems, power loss reduces, voltage profile improves and feeder capacity releases. However, finding optimal size and location of capacitors in distribution networks is a complex combinatorial optimisation problem.
The general capacitor placement problem is to determine the places (number and location), types and settings of capacitors to be placed on radial distribution system. The objectives are to reduce the energy loss on the system and to maintain the voltage regulation while keeping the cost of capacitors addition to a minimum.
In the uncompensated network, network compensated by PSO-best and network compensated by CSA, the loss is 787.778, 677.0202 and 676.2150 kW, respectively. In this case, optimal size of the capacitors installed in buses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are 0, 4050, 2100, 1950, 900, 450, 0, 0 and 600 kVar, respectively.
Optimal capacitor allocation problem deals with determination of location, size, type and number of capacitors to be installed such that the maximum economic benefits are achieved without violating the operational constraints. Several formulations have been suggested for this problem and they have been solved by available computational techniques.
Research on the Application of Series Capacitor Compensation …
Research on the Application of Series Capacitor Compensation for Typical Medium Voltage Distribution Network Ge Xu1,*,Shiwu Xiao1, Xiaoqing Xiao2 and Likun Li2 1State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sburces,North China Electrical Power University, 102206 Beijing, China 2 Guangdong Electric Power Research Institute, …
(PDF) Optimal Allocation of Capacitors for Loss …
In this work, a novel method is implemented to optimize the placement of capacitor bank in radial distribution systems (RDS) for reducing the system loss. It is a difficult task to select the...
Capacitor placement in distribution systems for power loss …
Shunt capacitor banks are widely utilised in distribution networks to reduce power loss, improve voltage profile, release feeder capacity, compensate reactive power and correct power factor. In order to acquire maximum benefits, capacitor placement should be optimally done in electrical distribution networks.
Capacitor placement in distribution systems for power …
Shunt capacitor banks are widely utilised in distribution networks to reduce power loss, improve voltage profile, release feeder capacity, compensate reactive power and correct power factor. In order to acquire …
Optimal Capacitor Placement and Rating for Large-Scale Utility …
ts in the optimal placement and rating of capacitors, a conventionally cost-effective and popular reactive power compensating technology. A novel optimal capacitor planning (OCP) procedure is prop. sed for large-scale utility power distribution systems, which is exemplified on an existing utility circuit of approximately 4,000 buses.
Capacitor placement in distribution systems for power loss …
For compensating reactive power, shunt capacitors are often installed in electrical distribution networks. Consequently, in such systems, power loss reduces, voltage profile improves and feeder capacity releases. However, finding optimal size and location of capacitors in distribution networks is a complex combinatorial optimisation problem. In ...
Optimal Location Selection of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations …
2.1 Load Flow Solution. Researchers have suggested a variety of distribution system load flow (DSLF) techniques to gather information regarding electrical line power flow, branch currents, and bus voltages [27,28,29,30,31,32] the first phase of research, the forward–backward technique for load flow analysis of RDN was proposed by the researchers [].
Optimizing capacitor size and placement in radial distribution …
These findings offer valuable guidance for effectively managing capacitor compensation in distribution networks, thereby ensuring efficient operations, improved voltage profiles, and minimized losses across varying load conditions. By adopting this optimized …
Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in Distribution …
Shunt compensation (the load is linked in parallel with the capacitors): shunt compensation is also known as capacitor banks, i.e., "capacitor bank" refers to a parallel connection of capacitors with the load. In the power system, the main role of capacitors is to provide reactive power to enhance voltage profiles and power factors. Hence, it increases …
Optimal allocation of capacitors in distribution systems using …
Following the selection of locations for installation of capacitors, particle swarm optimization is used for determination of values of capacitors at each location. The losses corresponding to various locations are tabulated in Table 5 for normal loading, L 2, and savings for 10 years are plotted in Fig. 3 .
Optimal capacitor placement in distribution systems for power …
This study presents a two-stage procedure to identify the optimal locations and sizes of capacitors in radial distribution systems. In first stage, the loss sensitivity analysis using two loss sensitivity indices (LSIs) is employed to select the most candidate capacitors locations. In second stage, the ant colony optimisation algorithm is ...
Direct approach for optimal allocation of multiple capacitors in ...
Sultana S, Roy PK (2014) Optimal capacitor placement in radial distribution systems using teaching learning based optimization. Int J Electr Power Energy Syst 54:387. Article Google Scholar Raju MR, Murthy KR, Ravindra K (2012) Direct search algorithm for capacitive compensation in radial distribution systems. Int J Electr Power Energy Syst 42 ...
Optimal Selection of Capacitors for Radial Distribution Systems …
In [20], the capacitive compensation is done through the Direct Search Algorithm (DSA), however, this study does not consider the maintenance and installation cost for the capacitor banks.
Optimal Allocation of Capacitors for Loss Reduction in Distribution ...
Finally, a comparative analysis of voltage magnitude of a 33-bus system without compensation, with three capacitor placement, and with four capacitor placement is shown in Fig. 3. It has been seen that the voltage profile is remarkably enhanced with compensation. The minimum and maximum voltage magnitude in case-1 is found to be 0.95 pu and 0.99491 pu, …
Optimal reactive power compensation in electrical distribution …
The main objective of electricity distribution grids is to transport electric energy to end users with required standards of efficiency, quality and reliability, which requires minimizing energy losses and improving transport processes [1].Reactive power compensation is one of the well-recognized methods for its contribution to the reduction of energy losses, along with other …
Optimal Allocation of Capacitors for Loss Reduction in Distribution ...
In this work, a novel method is implemented to optimize the placement of capacitor bank in radial distribution systems (RDS) for reducing the system loss. It is a difficult …
Connections and composition of LV/MV/HV capacitor banks
1. Connections of capacitor banks 1.1 Delta connection. This is the most commonly used connection mode for capacitor banks with voltages lower than 12 kV.This configuration, which is used in particular in distribution installations, provides maximum reactive power in minimum dimensions.
Capacitor Placement in a Distribution System for Power Factor ...
The effects of grid faults on large generators in a power system have been widely investigated starting from the ''70s, and proper remedial actions are today known.
Optimal Location and Sizing of Shunt Capacitors with …
Comparison of different techniques for optimal placement and sizing of shunt capacitors in IEEE 15 bus radial distribution system (RDS). …
Maximum savings approach for location and sizing of capacitors …
This paper proposes an efficient method for the optimal location and sizing of static and switched shunt capacitors in radial distribution systems. The problem has been formulated as the maximization of the NPV of the compensation project. The objective is to maximize the global savings obtained from loss reduction and capacity release in the ...
Optimal Capacitor Placement and Rating for Large-Scale Utility …
ts in the optimal placement and rating of capacitors, a conventionally cost-effective and popular reactive power compensating technology. A novel optimal capacitor planning (OCP) procedure …
Optimal Location and Sizing of Shunt Capacitors with Distributed ...
This paper proposes a novel approach to determine an optimal location and sizing of shunt capacitors for reactive power compensation in distribution systems with distributed generation. Here,...
(PDF) Optimal Allocation of Capacitors for Loss Reduction in ...
In this work, a novel method is implemented to optimize the placement of capacitor bank in radial distribution systems (RDS) for reducing the system loss. It is a difficult task to select the...
Optimal Location and Sizing of Shunt Capacitors with …
This paper proposes a novel approach to determine an optimal location and sizing of shunt capacitors for reactive power compensation in distribution systems with distributed generation. Here,...
Optimal allocation of capacitors in distribution systems using …
Following the selection of locations for installation of capacitors, particle swarm optimization is used for determination of values of capacitors at each location. The losses …
Maximum savings approach for location and sizing of capacitors in ...
This paper proposes an efficient method for the optimal location and sizing of static and switched shunt capacitors in radial distribution systems. The problem has been …
Capacitor placement in distribution systems for power loss …
For compensating reactive power, shunt capacitors are often installed in electrical distribution networks. Consequently, in such systems, power loss reduces, voltage …
Optimizing capacitor size and placement in radial distribution …
These findings offer valuable guidance for effectively managing capacitor compensation in distribution networks, thereby ensuring efficient operations, improved voltage profiles, and minimized losses across varying load conditions. By adopting this optimized approach, utilities can enhance the overall performance and reliability of distribution ...
Optimal Allocation of Capacitors for Loss Reduction in Distribution ...
In this work, a novel method is implemented to optimize the placement of capacitor bank in radial distribution systems (RDS) for reducing the system loss. It is a difficult task to select the best size and position of capacitors. This paper provides a two-stage method for determining the best capacitor positions and sizes in RDS.
Optimal capacitor placement in distribution systems for power loss ...
This study presents a two-stage procedure to identify the optimal locations and sizes of capacitors in radial distribution systems. In first stage, the loss sensitivity analysis …