In a solar cell structure, all the supporting layers and scattering elements additional to the photovoltaic material are sources of parasitic absorption, meaning that part of the incident sunlight absorbed by the device does not contribute to the obtainable photocurrent.
Conclusions In this work we extended the analytical light-trapping model by Basore to account for parasitic absorption in the skins via the lumped parasitic absorption parameter Appp, specifically for the near-infrared (NIR)/red response of a solar cell. As the original model, the model of this work is applicable to wafer-based Si solar cells.
Parasitic absorption refers to an optical absorption mechanism that does not lead to the creation of an electron hole pair in the silicon bulk. Fig. 4 below illustrates the sources of optical losses in a solar cell, encompassing incident light that fails to generate an electron-hole pair.
In addition, particularly for plasmonic-based light trapping, the trade-off between the beneficial effects of scattering and the deteriorating effects of parasitic absorption can severely limit the overall photocurrent enhancement that can be produced in solar cells 20, 21, 22.
The impact of unwanted parasitic losses in the metal must be weighed against potential cell performance enhancements these structures can provide 23. Some studies tended to consider absorption in the solar cell, while neglecting absorption in the metal.
Via idealized solar cell simulations assuming a full-area back side skin with parasitic absorption, we determine a rule-of-thumb threshold for Appp of approx. 1%, below which parasitic absorption has no significant impact on generated current density and thus efficiency.
Sputtered Transparent Electrodes (IO:H and IZO) with Low Parasitic …
Hybrid lead halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) in tandem application with copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) solar cells represent one of the most promising all-thin-film technologies for next-generation photovoltaic devices. To minimize parasitic near-infrared (NIR) absorption losses in the electrodes, this work advances hydrogen-doped indium oxide …
Light trapping in thin silicon solar cells: A review on fundamentals ...
Nevertheless, parasitic absorption should always be carefully determined computationally and/or in experiments when reporting on absorption enhancement. An elegant way to avoid parasitic absorption through field enhancement in scattering structures is the texturing of the absorbing silicon itself. In this case, the light absorption occurs ...
Current Losses at the Front of Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells
Abstract: The current losses due to parasitic absorption in the indium tin oxide (ITO) and amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) layers at the front of silicon heterojunction solar cells are isolated and quantified. Quantum efficiency spectra of cells in which select layers are omitted reveal that the collection efficiency of carriers generated in the ITO ...
Sulfur-enhanced surface passivation for hole-selective ...
Effective surface passivation is crucial for improving the performance of crystalline silicon solar cells. Wang et al. develop a sulfurization strategy that reduces the interfacial states and induces a surface electrical field at the same time. The approach significantly enhances the hole selectivity and, thus, the performance of solar cells.
Thickness Optimization of Front and Recombination ITO in …
Photocurrent densities of a perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell including reflection losses (green), several parasitic absorption losses (see legend), and the generated photocurrent density in silicon (red) and perovskite absorber (blue) as a function of a) a varied front TCO thickness for 80 nm-thick recombination TCO on planar front devices, b) a varied …
Current Losses at the Front of Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells
Abstract: The current losses due to parasitic absorption in the indium tin oxide (ITO) and amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) layers at the front of silicon heterojunction solar cells are isolated and quantified. Quantum efficiency spectra of cells in which select layers are omitted reveal that the collection efficiency of carriers generated in the ITO and doped a-Si:H layers is …
Experimental quantification of useful and parasitic absorption of …
In a solar cell structure, all the supporting layers and scattering elements additional to the photovoltaic material are sources of parasitic absorption, meaning that part of …
Mitigating parasitic absorption in Poly-Si contacts for TOPCon solar …
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2024.112704 Corpus ID: 267154542; Mitigating parasitic absorption in Poly-Si contacts for TOPCon solar cells: A comprehensive review @article{Deng2024MitigatingPA, title={Mitigating parasitic absorption in Poly-Si contacts for TOPCon solar cells: A comprehensive review}, author={Shuo Deng and Yalun Cai and Udo …
Modeling parasitic absorption in silicon solar cells with a near ...
New parameter Appp quantifies near-surface parasitic absorption in a c-Si solar cell. Appp extends an existing analytical light-trapping model. Model can be fitted to reflectance to quantify parasitic absorption current loss. Proposed as third figure of merit for a passivating contact besides J0c and ρc.
Current Losses at the Front of Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells
Abstract: The current losses due to parasitic absorption in the indium tin oxide (ITO) and amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) layers at the front of silicon heterojunction solar cells are …
Modeling parasitic absorption in silicon solar cells with a near ...
Parasitic absorption refers to the absorption of light in non-active layers or materials within a solar cell that is not intended for efficient charge generation. Transparent conductive layers, contact layers, antireflection coatings, and passivation layers can all contribute to parasitic absorption losses (Fell et al., 2022). While ...
NiOx/MoOx bilayer as an efficient hole-selective contact ...
In the past years, CSCs based on transition metal oxides (TMOs) have been extensively investigated in c-Si solar cells, because they have a wide band gap (typically above 3 eV) to reduce parasitic absorption and are easy to deposit using a variety of cost-effective methods, such as thermal evaporation, spin coating, and atomic layer deposition. 6–10 In the …
Experimental quantification of useful and parasitic absorption of …
In a solar cell structure, all the supporting layers and scattering elements additional to the photovoltaic material are sources of parasitic absorption, meaning that part of the incident sunlight absorbed by the device does not contribute to the obtainable photocurrent.
Modeling parasitic absorption in silicon solar cells with a near ...
Request PDF | Modeling parasitic absorption in silicon solar cells with a near-surface absorption parameter | One drawback of passivating contacts in crystalline silicon solar cells is the current ...
Modeling parasitic absorption in silicon solar cells with a near ...
New parameter Appp quantifies near-surface parasitic absorption in a c-Si solar cell. Appp extends an existing analytical light-trapping model. Model can be fitted to …
Mitigating parasitic absorption in Poly-Si contacts for TOPCon solar …
When put at the rear side, a poly-Si/SiO x contact with less parasitic absorption would increase the bifaciality factor of a solar cell, making it more efficient. This paper aims to systematically review key methods to reduce the parasitic absorption properties of poly-Si/SiO x contacts, with a specific focus on reducing parasitic ...
Experimental quantification of useful and parasitic …
In a solar cell structure, all the supporting layers and scattering elements additional to the photovoltaic material are sources of parasitic absorption, meaning that part of the incident...
Analysis of Optical and Recombination Losses in Solar Cells
In high-efficiency CdTe solar cells, the parasitic absorption in the CdS layer is also reduced by adopting a thin layer [77, 78], as mentioned earlier. For CIGSe solar cells, to suppress the J sc loss induced by the CdS layer, a Zn(O,S) layer has also been applied . In the CIGSe and CZTSSe-based solar cells, a strong optical loss also occurs by the parasitic …
Efficient energy transfer mitigates parasitic light absorption in ...
This mechanism is shown to have excellent potential for mitigating parasitic absorption of light that occurs in sun-facing charge-transport layers incorporated in perovskite …
Modeling parasitic absorption in silicon solar cells with a near ...
We test the model by analyzing i) reflectance measurements on samples with varying doping profiles, ii) SR measurements on TOPCon solar cells with varying back-side poly-silicon …
Modeling parasitic absorption in silicon solar cells with a near ...
Parasitic absorption refers to the absorption of light in non-active layers or materials within a solar cell that is not intended for efficient charge generation. Transparent …
Parasitic Absorption in Polycrystalline Si-layers for Carrier …
In order to distinguish between parasitic absorption of high-energetic photons during the first pass through the poly-Si layer and parasitic absorption of low-energetic photons due to free carrier absorption during one of the numerous passes occurring at long wavelengths, we folded the internal quantum efficiency as determined with Sunrays with the AMG1.5 …
Mitigating parasitic absorption in Poly-Si contacts for TOPCon …
When put at the rear side, a poly-Si/SiO x contact with less parasitic absorption would increase the bifaciality factor of a solar cell, making it more efficient. This paper aims to systematically review key methods to reduce the parasitic absorption properties of poly-Si/SiO …
Experimental quantification of useful and parasitic absorption …
In a solar cell structure, all the supporting layers and scattering elements additional to the photovoltaic material are sources of parasitic absorption, meaning that part of the incident...
High-Performance and Stable Perovskite/Organic Tandem Solar …
2 · The PEDOT:PSS/2PACz structure facilitates effective charge carrier extraction from the organic solar cells to the CRL. Herein, for the PO-TSCs, this strategy results in an efficient …
The Impact of parasitic loss on solar cells with plasmonic nano ...
3D Simulations investigated the impact of parasitic losses in the metal of several plasmonic light trapping structures for solar cells following concerns that the heightened parasitic...
Efficient energy transfer mitigates parasitic light absorption in ...
This mechanism is shown to have excellent potential for mitigating parasitic absorption of light that occurs in sun-facing charge-transport layers incorporated in perovskite solar cells ...