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New Energy Latest Battery Patent Technology

What do the latest patent statistics reveal about innovation in the battery power sector? What are the key areas suitable for patent protection? In this article we explore the newest patent trends and gain valuable insights into this rapidly evolving field.

Can patent data be used to analyze the development of battery technology?

Hence, patent data is widely applied to analyze the development of battery technology [ 16 ]. For instance, the European Patent Office cooperating with the International Energy Agency provided key insights into technological innovation in batteries and electricity storage based on patent analysis [ 6 ].

Why is battery patenting a global trend?

We find that global battery patenting activity grew significantly in the 2000–2019 period. This stylized fact means that the comparative advantages of secondary approaches (rechargeable, redeployable, reusable batteries) have been continuously on the rise driven by innovation, making a direct contribution to socio-technical circularity.

Are national battery patent applications considered in IEA & EPO?

Given the IPF constraint deployed for this study and the IEA and EPO report , these solely nationally filed applications are not considered in either one. In fact, in the current study’s dataset, IPFs make up only 19.4% of all battery patent families.

Which technologies grew in relevance to battery patenting?

We find that several battery-related technologies and applications, such as energy storage systems, battery management systems, wireless power transmission, electric vehicle charging, and uncrewed aerial vehicles (i.e., drones), grew in relevance both in absolute terms and relative to general battery patenting activity.

Are battery patents growing?

Overall, a considerable increase in annual battery patenting activity is observed from 2000–2009 to 2010–2019. Second, we also found that four battery technologies – redox-flow, solid-state, sodium-ion, and lithium–sulfur batteries – have displayed vibrant growth in recent years.

Are lithium-ion batteries patentable?

To be very clear: This especially means that the lithium-ion battery category does not contain any patent families tagged as solid-state battery inventions. The fourth step’s purpose was to add patent data related to redox-flow and nickel–hydrogen batteries to the dataset.

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What do the latest patent statistics reveal about innovation in the battery power sector? What are the key areas suitable for patent protection? In this article we explore the newest patent trends and gain valuable insights into this rapidly evolving field.

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Innovations targeting improvements in lithium-ion batteries focused on alternative metals have boosted patent applications. Promising trends in the battery sector''s future are evident in patent filings, as revealed by the …

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D Young & Co | Battery technology: patent filings and …

What do the latest patent statistics reveal about innovation in the battery power sector? What are the key areas suitable for patent protection? In this article we explore the newest patent trends and gain valuable insights …

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Innovations targeting improvements in lithium-ion batteries focused on alternative metals have boosted patent applications. Promising trends in the battery sector''s future are evident in patent filings, as revealed by the third annual edition of "Inside Green Innovation: Progress Report 2023" from Appleyard Lees.

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The paper adopts the technology of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyze patent documents and reveal the advances and opportunities for developing solid-state battery technology by constructing the patent Information Relation Matrix (IRM). This paper finds innovation activities in developing solid-state batteries have been increasingly ...

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We are pleased to announce the launch of our latest special report Battery insights & IP trends. In this report we examine European patent applications data, recent innovations in materials, manufacturing, and …

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Prices for nickel and cobalt, two key elements used in EV batteries today, have skyrocketed, far outpacing inflation. At the same time, existing lithium-ion battery technology is improving,...