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Is there any current when the battery does not form a path

We know that the current (I) flows from the positive to the negative electrode in the external circuit during discharge. Does the current go from negative to positive potential inside the battery? Or is the current continuity not preserved inside the battery? The answer could be obvious: Ohm''s law alone cannot explain what happens inside a ...

Why does no current flow in a battery?

In your battery example, there is no return current path so no current will flow. There is obviously a more deep physics reason for why this works but as the question asked for a simple answer I'll skip the math, google Maxwell's Equations and how they are used in the derivation of Kirchhoff's voltage law.

Why is there no current flowing across a 2V battery?

So why is no current flowing across the 2 V battery. It can be said that the battery and the 100 ohm resistor are in parallel (Equal potential drops). How is the battery different from the 100 ohm resistor ? It might be useful to think of some limiting cases to get some intuition.

What happens if a battery carries a current?

When a battery or power supply sets up a difference in potential between two parts of a wire, an electric field is created and the electrons respond to that field. In a current-carrying conductor, however, the electrons do not all flow in the same direction.

What happens if a battery is not connected to anything?

If the battery is not connected to anything, the chemical force is pulling on the ions, trying to draw them across the electrolyte to complete the reaction, but this is balanced by the electrostatic force-- the voltage between the electrodes.

Does the current flow backwards inside a battery?

During the discharge of a battery, the current in the circuit flows from the positive to the negative electrode. According to Ohm’s law, this means that the current is proportional to the electric field, which says that current flows from a positive to negative electric potential.

What happens if a battery is not broken?

As long as the battery continues to produce voltage and the continuity of the electrical path isn’t broken, charge carriers will continue to flow in the circuit. Following the metaphor of water moving through a pipe, this continuous, uniform flow of charge through the circuit is called a current.

Does the Current Flow Backwards Inside a Battery?

We know that the current (I) flows from the positive to the negative electrode in the external circuit during discharge. Does the current go from negative to positive potential inside the battery? Or is the current continuity not preserved inside the battery? The answer could be obvious: Ohm''s law alone cannot explain what happens inside a ...

Will current pass without any resistance?

but what if there''s not any resistor in a circuit. Will current still flow? For simplicity, let''s work in the context of ideal circuit theory where ideal wires have precisely zero resistance. Here''s a simple circuit with only a current source and a wire. In this circuit, there is a 1A current circulating clockwise around the circuit.

What happens with the current in a circuit that is not consumed by any …

There is no source, there is no "consumer," and no charges are being gained or lost as the circuit operates. The only source of charges is the copper itself, since copper contributes the ocean of movable electrons. (Note that the path of current is through any power supply, through the battery and back out again.) A battery is a charge-pump ...

Path of an electron through an electric circuit

The proton-drift is a perfectly valid electric current, and it can even be an enormous current (for example in car batteries, hundreds of amperes of proton-flow are taking …

Why is there no current flowing across the battery

The battery is like a pump. It literally forces water from one side to the other, and allows no water to flow the opposite way. A battery is a fairly complex electrochemical device, but it does indeed act as a one-way charge mover, which via high chemical potentials separate electrons from atoms at one terminal and reunites them at the other.

20.1: Batteries and Simple Circuits

It is important to note that the potential difference across the terminals of the real battery is only equal to the potential difference across the ideal battery if there is no current flowing through the battery. If there is a current, (I), flowing through the internal resistance, the electric potential will decrease by an amount (Ir ...

Batteries, current, and Ohm''s law

If the wire is connected to a 1.5-volt battery, how much current flows through the wire? The current can be found from Ohm''s Law, V = IR. The V is the battery voltage, so if R can be determined then the current can be calculated.


Also, I''m not 100% sure that the lights weren''t on a couple weeks ago, however, I am sure that my lights were not left on over the weekend, nor were the internal lamp lights. If something is drawing power, it''s something that isn''t …

10.3: Resistors in Series and Parallel

If several resistors are connected together and connected to a battery, the current supplied by the battery depends on the equivalent resistance of the circuit. The equivalent resistance of a combination of resistors depends on both their individual values and how they are connected. The simplest combinations of resistors are series and parallel connections (Figure …


There is no current when there is no closed circuit. But the above seems completely inconsistent with how people speak of open-circuit voltage, as existing independent of actually measuring it. Open circuits may have voltage, and this voltage exists independently of attempts to measure it.

When current flows from a battery, does voltage …

Applying Kirchhoff''s current law, you can check it for yourselves. No matter your circuit and its operating conditions, the current going out of the battery should be equal to the current going in. The voltage only changes …

How a Battery Works

OK, now that we have the basics covered, lets look inside a battery and see how it works. How Does the Alkaline Battery work? Remember we talked briefly about atoms. Well all these materials inside the battery are made from lots of different atoms tightly packed together. These are represented by the coloured balls, each colour representing a ...

Why is there no current flowing across the battery

The battery is like a pump. It literally forces water from one side to the other, and allows no water to flow the opposite way. A battery is a fairly complex electrochemical …

Does current flow inside a battery?

$begingroup$ Without continuous current, the formed charge disbalance would very quickly form potential countergradients, ceasing any external current. As hydraulic analogy, the cell chemistry is like a water pump, forcing continuous water current through closed tube circuit, or keeping different water levels if the tube circuit is open. $endgroup$

Voltage and Current | Basic Concepts Of Electricity

As long as the battery continues to produce voltage and the continuity of the electrical path isn''t broken, charge carriers will continue to flow in the circuit. Following the metaphor of water …

Voltage and Current | Basic Concepts Of Electricity

As long as the battery continues to produce voltage and the continuity of the electrical path isn''t broken, charge carriers will continue to flow in the circuit. Following the metaphor of water moving through a pipe, this continuous, uniform flow of charge through the circuit is called a current .

Current flow in batteries?

The easiest way to think of it is this: Current will only ever flow in a loop, even in very complex circuits you can always break it down into loops of current, if there is no path for current to return to its source, there will be no current flow. In your battery example, there is no …

Does current flow inside a battery?

Yes. When a battery is operating normally then current flows inside the battery from the negative terminal to the positive terminal.

What happens with the current in a circuit that is not consumed by …

There is no source, there is no "consumer," and no charges are being gained or lost as the circuit operates. The only source of charges is the copper itself, since copper …

Could you drain a battery with only one terminal connection?

There''s no path to ground from the negative terminal, so in a circuit sense, no current will flow. Of course just like a cloud, the battery could (and probably will, at least if you handle it with an insulating tool) initially have a net charge different from that of the earth, so much as in the lightning situation you could get a brief current flow when you initially connect the …


There is no current when there is no closed circuit. But the above seems completely inconsistent with how people speak of open-circuit voltage, as existing independent …

20.1: Batteries and Simple Circuits

It is important to note that the potential difference across the terminals of the real battery is only equal to the potential difference across the ideal battery if there is no current flowing through …

Path of an electron through an electric circuit

The proton-drift is a perfectly valid electric current, and it can even be an enormous current (for example in car batteries, hundreds of amperes of proton-flow are taking place in there.) Here''s one simplified view: during an electric current in a circuit, the amperes inside the battery-electrolyte is actually made of protons flowing backwards.