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Dual-effect solar flat panel collector

One way to enhance the performance of solar thermal systems is by combining both air and liquid heaters in one facility called dual-purpose solar collector (DPSC). This collector is basically a flat plate solar collector (FPSC) with two sections, one for air heating and the other for water heating. Therefore, it can produce hot air and hot ...

What is the exergy efficiency of a flat-plate solar collector?

In a nutshell, the exergy efficiency of the flat-plate solar collector has an optimum point which corresponds to 21.97% for a fluid mass flow rate of 0.0087 kg/s. Variation in the exergy destruction in the absorber plate versus the mass flow rate

Does a flat-plate solar collector have a transparent insulation?

The validation of the model was done experimentally using a digital model. Zhou et al. developed a thermal model of a flat-plate solar collector having a transparent insulation and predicted the performance of the heater numerically.

What are the characteristics of the DD-clphpsc solar collector?

The DD-CLPHPSC included a flat plate solar collector with the following characteristics: rectangular cross section = 0.5 m2, height = 0.06 m, wall thickness = 0.01 m, equipped with a dual-diameter CLPHP. The walls and the bottom of the collector are insulated by PVC with the thickness of 0.02 m.

What can be substituted for exergy efficiency of a solar collector?

Using Eq. (29), the exit fluid temperature of the collector in Eq. (44) can be substituted and the expression of the exergy efficiency of the solar collector can be re-arranged in the following form:

Do flat-plate solar collectors have different absorber coatings?

Sakhaei and Valipou presented a comparison of three identical flat-plate solar collectors with different absorber coatings under the same condition. The three coating materials used were the carbon, black chrome and black painted coatings.

How efficient are flat plate collectors?

Totally the efficiency of flat plate collectors for a reduced temperature of 0.1 K m 2 /W is augmented by 21% and 29%, equivalent to evacuated tube collectors at only about 60% of their costs. The new film insulations for the front side turned out to be very efficient, practicable and long-term stable.

A Literature Review of a Dual-Purpose Solar Collector

One way to enhance the performance of solar thermal systems is by combining both air and liquid heaters in one facility called dual-purpose solar collector (DPSC). This collector is basically a flat plate solar collector (FPSC) with two sections, one for air heating and the other for water heating. Therefore, it can produce hot air and hot ...

Flat Plate Solar Thermal Collectors—A Review

Download Citation | On Jun 12, 2021, Dhrupad Sarma and others published Flat Plate Solar Thermal Collectors—A Review | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

A Review of Solar Flat Plate Thermal Collector

recycle effects to increase the inlet temperature ... panels with internal longitudinal corrugated fins —Part I: Overall results'', Forschung im . Ingenieurwesen: Engineering Research, 61(4 ...

Calculation and Selection of Flat-Plate Solar Collector Geometric ...

In order to ensure that the siphon effect of so-lar collector operates with maximum efficiency, it is necessary to provide certain balance of the si-phon''s geometrical parameters, dosing tank with …

Calculation and Selection of Flat-Plate Solar Collector Geometric ...

In order to ensure that the siphon effect of so-lar collector operates with maximum efficiency, it is necessary to provide certain balance of the si-phon''s geometrical parameters, dosing tank with a collector''s geometrical parameters, as well as to set the rational flow of …


This study examined how well the flat plate solar collector with the DD-CLPHP system performed under different circumstances, including changes in inclination angle, filling …

Evaluation of cooling performance of a novel dual-purpose solar …

This paper aims to develop an innovative dual-purpose solar thermal collector that allows heat collection during daytime and cold collection during night. It was developed from a conventional glazed FPSC by using a double-pane cover on the top that allows water or other liquid flowing in the gap between the two panes to accomplish ...

Flat solar collectors: parts and types of collectors

The flat plate solar collector is a type of thermal solar panel whose purpose is to transform solar radiation into thermal energy.. This type of solar thermal panels have a good cost/effectiveness ratio in moderate …

Study of space heating by dual-function solar collectors

A novel solar collector named dual-function solar collector (DFSC) has been proven feasible for supplying warm air for space heating in winter and hot water during none-heating season by theoretical and experimental studies. While integrated with building, the DFSC becomes component of the envelope. Because complexly coupling of several heat transfer …

A novel dual-diameter closed-loop pulsating heat pipe for a flat …

Moreover, in this study, the performance of a flat plate solar collector coupled with the proposed dual-diameter CLPHP (DD-CLPHPSC) is investigated experimentally in outdoor and indoor modes ...

Design of a two-medium solar collector in residential buildings

developed a dual-effect flat-plate solar collector b ased on the metal lic plate collector, in which the V air channel is set

Design of a two-medium solar collector in residential …

developed a dual-effect flat-plate solar collector b ased on the metal lic plate collector, in which the V air channel is set

Evaluation of cooling performance of a novel dual-purpose solar …

This paper aims to develop an innovative dual-purpose solar thermal collector that allows heat collection during daytime and cold collection during night. It was developed …

Performance investigation of a novel flat-plate solar air collector ...

To improve the thermal performance of solar air collectors by reducing heat leakage and fully transporting the heat absorbed in the evaporation section, this paper proposes a structural innovation based on previous research, that is, L-shaped dual micro heat pipe arrays integrated with a flat-plate solar air collector with a double glazing cover. Experiments are …

Performance Investigation and Structure Optimization of a Flat …

In order to investigate the thermal performance of flat DFSC and the effect of inner parameters of the collector, experiment apparatus was set up, and a dynamic numerical …

Flat-Plate Solar Collector Thermal Performance and Optimal …

In this paper, the effect of a flat-plate solar collector components exergy destruction rates on the collector performance has been examined. A theoretical model based on energy and exergy balance for glass cover, absorber plate and working fluid resulted in nonlinear ordinary differentials non-autonomous system of equations that was solved ...

Energy and exergy analysis of conventional and modified flat …

The most fundamental collectors for water heating are flat plate solar collectors (FPSCs). They are inexpensive, simple to build, and need little maintenance. Conventional FPSCs have relatively low efficiency. More study is needed to increase the efficiency of FPSC by using novel designs.

Evaluation of cooling performance of a novel dual-purpose solar …

Flat Plate Solar Collector (FPSC) is known to be one of the popularly-used collectors, especially in the US (over 90% of the US market [1]), due to its simple design and high cost-effectiveness [2], [3] compared to other types of collectors. Its primary function is to collect solar heat to generate heating effect for buildings. A conventional glazed FPSC, as shown in

A novel dual-diameter closed-loop pulsating heat pipe for a flat …

The main idea of this investigation is to increase the thermal efficiency of a flat plate closed-loop pulsating heat pipe solar collector by introducing a novel closed-loop pulsating heat pipe (CLPHP) with a dual-diameter structure. The CLPHP with dual-diameter configuration is made of copper with two diameters; larger in the condensation section (inner diameter of 3.5 …


This study examined how well the flat plate solar collector with the DD-CLPHP system performed under different circumstances, including changes in inclination angle, filling ratio, and...

Characteristics of a building-integrated dual-function solar collector ...

A novel building integrated solar collector named dual-functional solar collector was proposed and designed, which was installed on the south-facing exterior wall of buildings to run in...

Advanced solar flat plate collectors with full area absorber, …

Four different flat plate collectors with multiple covers have been built. All use the best components available on the market at the moment: anti-reflective solar glass with transmittance of 0.96, full area direct flow aluminum absorber (by Savosolar) with absorber efficiency factor F'' of 0.97, absorption coefficient of 0.96 and emission ...

A novel dual-diameter closed-loop pulsating heat pipe for a flat …

DOI: 10.1016/J.ENERGY.2021.120751 Corpus ID: 235543750; A novel dual-diameter closed-loop pulsating heat pipe for a flat plate solar collector @article{Aref2021AND, title={A novel dual-diameter closed-loop pulsating heat pipe for a flat plate solar collector}, author={Latif Aref and Rasoul Fallahzadeh and Seyed Reza Shabanian and Mojtaba Hosseinzadeh}, …

Performance Investigation and Structure Optimization of a Flat Dual ...

In order to investigate the thermal performance of flat DFSC and the effect of inner parameters of the collector, experiment apparatus was set up, and a dynamic numerical model to simulate the solar heating system has been established. The experimental results show that the daily efficiency of the thermosiphon system of DFSC in water ...

A novel dual-diameter closed-loop pulsating heat pipe for a flat …

Performance of CLPHP using a novel dual-diameter structure is enhanced. A flat plate solar collector with inserted dual-diameter CLPHP is fabricated. The effect of filling ratio, inclination angle and solar intensity is investigated. Maximum 72.4% efficiency of the solar collector has been achieved.