Shuai Deng, in Advances in Chemical Engineering, 2021 A solar receiver or receiver–reactor is the key component of the solar thermochemical system where the solar irradiation reflected by optical concentrators is absorbed and converted to high-temperature thermal energy or used directly in chemical reactions (Li et al., 2016 ).
Recently developed solid particle solar receivers can achieve high outlet temperatures of above 1000 °C and tolerate temperature differences as high as hundreds of degrees, thus providing a new approach to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of solar power generation [8, 9].
The receiver contains the working fluid which is heated by the concentrated solar radiation. The useful energy that absorbed by the water flows through the receiver in solar tower plant depending on the angle between the solar rays and the position of heliostat in the region of work.
The horizontal receiver is arranged on the ground and does not require a high solar tower, which can effectively reduce the investment cost of the system. Moreover, the parasitic power needed to transport particles and the energy losses caused by the transport is reduced during operation. Table 3. Comparison of different receivers.
The solar receiver systems concentrate the solar radiation for large-scale energy production including distribution. CSP systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. The concentrated heat is then used as a heat source for a conventional power plant.
Solid particles are generally considered to be the most suitable heat transfer fluid (HTF) and thermal energy storage (TES) materials for the next-generation concentrated solar power (CSP) plant. The operating temperature of the solar receiver can be raised to exceed 800°C by the application of appropriate solid particles.
Solid particle solar receivers in the next‐generation concentrated ...
Solid particle solar receiver (SPSR) is the key equipment to absorb the concentrated solar flux, and its thermal performance is remarkably affected by receiver system designs, particle flow characteristics, and properties of solid particulate materials. This paper provides an in-depth review of various SPSR technologies, as well as pertinent ...
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)—Thermal Energy Storage
Purpose of Review This paper highlights recent developments in utility scale concentrating solar power (CSP) central receiver, heat transfer fluid, and thermal energy storage (TES) research. The purpose of this review is to highlight alternative designs and system architectures, emphasizing approaches which differentiate themselves from conventional …
Abstract: The characteristics and operation principle of tower solar thermal power generation …
Solar Power Information and Facts
Though costly to implement, solar energy offers a clean, renewable source of power. 3 min read Solar energy is the technology used to harness the sun''s energy and make it useable. As of 2011, the ...
Particle receiver
OverviewDirectly heated particle receiverIndirectly heated particle receiverParticle selectionSee alsoFurther readingExternal links
A particle receiver is an object placed on the top of a solar tower on which surface solar energy is concentrated by means of a solar field composed of large number of mirrors, called heliostats. The goal is to transform solar energy into thermal energy that can be used in a heat process, thermochemical process, or in a heat engine to produce electricity in a solar tower power plant. To accomplis…
(PDF) Central Receivers Design in Concentrated Solar …
This paper focused on the significant component studies during the past ten years of central receiver tower (CRT) design in concentrating solar power (CSP) technology to enhance the amount of...
Editorial: Advances in Solar Central Receiver Technology
This Frontiers Research Topic presents recent studies on modeling, experimentation, and enhancements of subsystems in central receiver solar power plants, especially on heliostat fields and solar receivers.
Progress in technology advancements for next generation …
The solid particle solar receiver can be integrated with this mature fluidization technology for the tower system design. The mature fluidized-bed (FB) technology can dramatically shorten the FB-CSP development cycle and risk [18]. Therefore, the technology development that is required to commercialize the particle TES has low risk and significant …
Receivers for Solar Tower Systems
design of receiver has to fulfil thermodynamic, hydraulic and economic needs. After a sodium …
Solar Receiver
A solar receiver is a key component of a concentrating collector system that receives solar irradiation and can be classified based on its geometry, phase of heat transfer media, contact with solar irradiation, or the type of process executed. It is designed to minimize non-uniformities in radiative flux distribution and achieve uniform ...
Central Receiver System
Central receiver system (CRS) is also known as a solar power tower, which uses a two-axis tracking mirrored collector called heliostats to focus the solar radiation on the central tower. As the temperature increases, heat energy is transferred to heat transfer fluids by a convective mechanism (depicted in Fig. 15).CRS with a minimum of 100 heliostats can withstand from …
Particle receiver
Solar tower employing particle receiver at National Solar Thermal Test Facility. A particle receiver is an object placed on the top of a solar tower on which surface solar energy is concentrated by means of a solar field composed of large number of mirrors, called heliostats.The goal is to transform solar energy into thermal energy that can be used in a heat process, …
A comprehensive review on solid particle receivers of concentrated ...
The solid particle solar receiver can collect heat at very high temperatures (exceeding 1000 °C) and can also function as a thermal energy storage medium, thus providing a new way to improve solar power conversion efficiency and reduce the cost of solar power generation. The present review summarizes progress in research on solid ...
A review of studies on central receiver solar thermal power plants
Concentrating solar power (CSP) is not an innovation of the last few years. Records of its use date as far back as 212 BC when Archimedes used mirrors for the first time to concentrate the Sun''s rays [35] the early seventeenth century, Salomon De Caux developed in 1615 a small solar powered motor consisting of glass lenses and an airtight metal vessel …
A comprehensive review on solid particle receivers of concentrated ...
The solid particle solar receiver can collect heat at very high temperatures …
Solar Receiver
A solar receiver is a key component of a concentrating collector system that receives solar …
(PDF) Solid particle solar receivers in the next‐generation ...
Solid particle solar receiver (SPSR) is the key equipment to absorb the concentrated solar flux, and its thermal performance is remarkably affected by receiver system designs,...
(PDF) Central Receivers Design in Concentrated Solar Thermal Power …
This paper focused on the significant component studies during the past ten years of central receiver tower (CRT) design in concentrating solar power (CSP) technology to enhance the amount of...
Abstract: The characteristics and operation principle of tower solar thermal power generation technology and the key technologies of tower solar receivers such as working fluids and...
What Does A Solar Powered FM Receiver Do?
A solar-powered FM receiver is a device that allows you to listen to FM radio channels using renewable solar energy. It harnesses the power of the sun to provide electricity to run the receiver, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional FM receivers that rely on batteries or electricity from the grid. In this article, we will explore the function, benefits, …
Receivers for Solar Tower Systems
design of receiver has to fulfil thermodynamic, hydraulic and economic needs. After a sodium fire in 1986 in Almeria, investigation of liquid metals in solar power systems was stopped! Receiver: 1. Approach – Falling Particle Curtain . Receiver: 2. Approach – Centrifugal Particle Receiver.
Solar Receivers
The objective of a solar receiver is to absorb concentrated solar radiation and transfer the energy to the heat transfer fluid. Depending on the considered collector field (linear or point concentration), there are two types of receivers. This chapter presents the use of absorber tubes when the concentration is linear, particularly the ...
A comprehensive review on solid particle receivers of concentrated ...
The solid particle solar receiver can collect heat at very high temperatures (exceeding 1000 °C) and can also function as a thermal energy storage medium, thus providing a new way to improve solar power conversion efficiency and reduce the cost of solar power generation. The present review summarizes progress in research on solid particle receivers. …
,。 10 、。 ,、、、、、、 …
Particle receiver
A particle receiver is an object placed on the top of a solar tower on which surface solar energy is concentrated by means of a solar field composed of large number of mirrors, called heliostats. The goal is to transform solar energy into thermal energy that can be used in a heat process, thermochemical process, or in a heat engine ...
Solar Power Tower
Emerging Technologies for Reduced Carbon Footprint. Bruce G. Miller, in Clean Coal Engineering Technology (Second Edition), 2017 Solar power tower. In the solar power tower concept, a field of tracking heliostats reflect solar energy onto a single receiver at the top of the tower (Ugolini et al., 2009; Sheu et al., 2012; Kuravi et al., 2013).The heat transfer media include steam/water, …