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Graphene capacitor environmental assessment

Schematic illustration of the three most patented types of graphene production processes: Exfoliation (a), chemical vapour deposition (b), and epitaxial growth (c). Graphical representation of...

How does location affect the life cycle of graphene-based supercapacitors?

The sensitivity of results to the electricity source indicates that the location of operations, with its generation mix of electricity supplied to the production and recycling processes, has a substantial influence on the total life cycle environmental impacts of graphene-based supercapacitors and, by extension, other graphene-based devices.

What is the specific capacitance of exfoliated graphene?

Both the electrochemical exfoliated graphene and the thermally reduced graphene oxides were found to achieve unacceptably low specific capacitance. The highest specific capacitance achieved for exfoliated graphene was 5 F/g, (Pullini et al., 2015 ), an order of magnitude less than that of other graphene materials tested.

Why do graphene oxides have low specific capacitance?

The low specific capacitance of thermally reduced graphene oxides is linked to their flat structure and lower surface area compared to chemically reduced graphenes, most likely due to a collapse of the pore structures during thermal treatment. Fig. 4 shows the structure of GO2 after thermal and chemical reduction.

How to deal with environmental harm within graphene production?

This review shows that one of the most used approaches to deal with environmental harm within graphene production is based on the use of waste material from different sources (section ).

Is graphene suitable for supercapacitor applications?

To be suitable for supercapacitor applications, graphene must demonstrate a high specific capacitance (F/g). Both the electrochemical exfoliated graphene and the thermally reduced graphene oxides were found to achieve unacceptably low specific capacitance.

Can waste graphites be used to produce pristine graphene?

As discussed for the case of batteries, only one work reports the use of ECE for production of graphene. It is clear that more studies need to be conducted based on the use of ECE and LPE in order to evaluate the use of waste graphites for production of pristine graphene. ].

Review of environmental life cycle assessment studies …

Schematic illustration of the three most patented types of graphene production processes: Exfoliation (a), chemical vapour deposition (b), and epitaxial growth (c). Graphical representation of...

Graphene Nano Composites for High Performance Super Capacitor

Graphene-based nano composites have shown great promise as a material to improve the effectiveness of super capacitors because of its special combination of mechanical flexibility, chemical ...

A comparative life cycle assessment of graphene and activated …

With current material performance and energy mixes, the graphene-based supercapacitor would increase impacts in all environmental categories analysed, ranging from 27% higher human toxicity to 213% greater ozone depletion and showing a …

Environmental life cycle assessment of supercapacitor electrode ...

In this study, nitrogen-doped biochar aerogel-based electrode (BA-electrode) produced from Entermorpha prolifera was simulated to investigate the environmental …

Environmental impact of the production of graphene oxide and …

2.2 Life cycle assessment methodology 2.2.1 Goal and scope. The aim of this study is to assess the environmental impacts of GO and rGO production. We analyze and compare three production routes: first, hydrazine and glucose, which are processes analysed in situ during the laboratory preparation of the materials, and second, we include in the …

A review on sustainable production of graphene and related life …

We provide an overview on the life cycle environmental impact assessment, with a focus on global warming potential and energy demand, carried out on different …

Comparative life cycle assessment of lithium-ion capacitors …

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology which allows quantification of environmental performance of products and processes based on complete product life cycle was utilised to evaluate the ...

Towards a more environmentally sustainable …

Comparable scopes, aggregation levels, and impact assessment methods are used to analyse diverse GBMs with three different functional units for graphene oxide, pristine graphene, and other GBMs with …

Advances in graphene aerogel–metal oxides (Ni, Co, and Mn

Graphene aerogels have gained widespread recognition in recent years as electrode materials for supercapacitors, primarily attributed to their excellent stability and impressive specific capacitance. However, further enhancing their specific capacitance is a formidable task. One viable strategy to overcome this hurdle is to composite them with metal …

A comparative life cycle assessment of graphene and activated

A comparative life cycle assessment of graphene and activated carbon in a supercapacitor application – Supporting information S 1. Graphene production The selected graphene is synthesised using the Hummers method modified by Bangal: 2 g of graphite powder and 1 g of sodium nitrate (NaNO 3) are placed in 46 ml of sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4

Form-Specific Prospective Environmental Risk Assessment of Graphene …

As graphene-based materials (GBMs) such as pristine graphene, graphene oxide, and reduced graphene oxide show great potential to be integrated in various applications, the need for environmental risk assessments grows, aiming to navigate the environmental fate and potential risk of the different forms of GBM. This study used dynamic probabilistic material …

A comparative life cycle assessment of graphene and activated …

With current material performance and energy mixes, the graphene-based supercapacitor would increase impacts in all environmental categories analysed, ranging from …

Assessment of the potential impact of graphene, graphene oxide …

Assessment of the potential impact of graphene, graphene oxide and other 2D materials on health, and the environment 3 Executive Summary The European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) provides information about existing nanomaterials on the EU market and aims to improve data transparency on nanomaterials'' safety. One of the main ways this is …

Continuous and low-carbon production of biomass flash graphene

Life cycle assessments of flash graphene production. Life cycle assessments (LCA) in this work was to evaluate the environmental impacts of various FG production process from cradle to gate 5. The ...

A comparative life cycle assessment of graphene and activated …

Activated carbon supercapacitors show the lowest environmental impact. Recycling of graphene is key to reduce its environmental impacts. Prospective LCA indicates graphene supercapacitors as the least impacting. Graphene shows substantial promise in improving the technical performance of a range of applications.

Enhanced supercapacitor materials from pyrolyzed algae and graphene …

Supercapacitors, also known as electrochemical capacitors or ultracapacitors, have gained significant attention as promising energy storage devices due to their high power density, fast charge ...

Unraveling the energy storage mechanism in graphene-based

Graphene has been extensively utilized as an electrode material for nonaqueous electrochemical capacitors. However, a comprehensive understanding of the charging mechanism and ion arrangement at ...

A comparative life cycle assessment of graphene and activated …

Activated carbon supercapacitors show the lowest environmental impact. Recycling of graphene is key to reduce its environmental impacts. Prospective LCA indicates …

A comparative life cycle assessment of graphene and activated

A comparative life cycle assessment of graphene and activated carbon in a supercapacitor application – Supporting information S 1. Graphene production The selected graphene is …

Life cycle assessment of graphene and related materials

The Environmental Footprint 2.0 method used to perform LCA considers the following 16 environmental categories: Climate change (GWP100), ozone depletion (ODP), ionising radiation (IR), photochemical ozone formation (POF), respiratory inorganics (RI), non-cancer human health effects (HTnc), cancer human health effects (HTc ...

Environmental life cycle assessment of supercapacitor electrode ...

In this study, nitrogen-doped biochar aerogel-based electrode (BA-electrode) produced from Entermorpha prolifera was simulated to investigate the environmental performance by using life cycle assessment method. For comparison, the assessment of graphene oxide aerogel-based electrode (GOA-electrode) was also carried out. It can be observed that ...

A review on sustainable production of graphene and related life …

We provide an overview on the life cycle environmental impact assessment, with a focus on global warming potential and energy demand, carried out on different graphene productions methods for specific applications, ranging from composites to electronics.

Towards a more environmentally sustainable production of graphene …

Comparable scopes, aggregation levels, and impact assessment methods are used to analyse diverse GBMs with three different functional units for graphene oxide, pristine graphene, and other GBMs with different carbon/oxygen ratios or thickness.