Constructing Abundant Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups in …
Constructing Abundant Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups in Hard Carbon Derived from Anthracite for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries November 2023 Nanomaterials 13(23):3002
Constructing Abundant Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups in Hard Carbon Derived from Anthracite for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries November 2023 Nanomaterials 13(23):3002
Combined with previous examples of high energy density (capacitance/storage), the choice of anthracite is a promising one. Anthracite is the superior choice of coal and is the ideal material as a carbon source, with applications from the foundry all the way to the desalination plant.
Anthracite has long been used as an electrode material in various electrochemical cells for the purpose of metal treatment, but contemporary research shows potential promising use cases as electrodes in novel batteries.
Perhaps counterintuitively, anthracite has certain refractory uses - despite the fact that at high temperatures it has a tendency to combust. Smelter linings are one of several uses in the modern foundry, where anthracite is used as part of the refractory lining of the bases (hearths) of blast furnaces.
Charged with the removal of organic residues and as a general filter, anthracite’s coarse nature makes it an ideal choice at removing suspended solids, salts and other residues. Solvent extraction electrowinning is used extensively for the production of high grade copper, cobalt, zinc and nickel from their ores (7,8).
Therefore, the excellent electrochemical performance verifies a potential feasibility for the production of synthetic graphite materials from anthracite coal in a large scale for high-performance anodes in lithium-ion batteries. This article is cited by 23 publications.
Anthracite is able to improve upon already successful anode/battery systems. Research has shown that the addition of anthracite to a red phosphorus anode increases its specific capacity to 810 mA h g −1 from 420 mA h g −1 for the pure phosphorus (18).
Constructing Abundant Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups in Hard Carbon Derived from Anthracite for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries November 2023 Nanomaterials 13(23):3002
Anthracite coal holds great promise as a prospective anode material for sodium ion batteries. However, traditional preparation methods suffer from prolonged calcination time and significant energy consumption, impeding …
In this work, we propose an effective strategy to prepare low-cost hard carbon (HC) anode materials by using pre-oxidation anthracite as a precursor. The carboxyl groups (C=O and -COOH) were successfully introduced into the hard carbon material, and the content of carboxyl groups (C=O) increased.
These excellent properties meet the requirements of practical applications and lay the foundation for the industrial production of low-cost, high-safety sodium-ion batteries for large-scale energy storage.
In this work, we propose an effective strategy to prepare low-cost hard carbon (HC) anode materials by using pre-oxidation anthracite as a precursor. The carboxyl groups …
Anthracite is also known for its high energy level, so it is often used as a heat source. However, a new application is emerging in the form of converting it into an anode material for SIB batteries. Although it is the rarest type of coal, its existing reserves are still sufficient and cost-effective for use as sustainable anode ...
Saltwater batteries have a lower energy density than lithium-ion batteries, meaning they store less energy in the same amount of space. This is problematic because a lower energy density means a larger physical battery, and larger batteries use more materials and cost more to produce. As lithium-ion battery prices continue to fall, the cost challenge for …
Synthetic graphite is an ideal anode material, which could replace the natural graphite for Li-ion batteries. However, high-temperature graphitization makes the process costly and energy-intensive, which impedes its larger-scale production and commercial applications.
Anthracite is also known for its high energy level, so it is often used as a heat source. However, a new application is emerging in the form of converting it into an anode …
Synthetic graphite is an ideal anode material, which could replace the natural graphite for Li-ion batteries. However, high-temperature graphitization makes the process costly and energy-intensive, which impedes its larger-scale production and commercial applications. Herein, synthetic graphite was prepared from anthracite via catalytic graphitization using H3BO3, …
Unlike lithium-ion batteries, where graphite is commonly used, it is not suitable for sodium-ion technology. Therefore, the aim is to identify an alternative material. Anthracite …
In this work, calcined anthracite was used as the active mate-rial in the negative electrode for sodium-ion batteries. The XRD spectrum of calcined anthracite is then very similar to that of hard carbon. It was further found from elemen-tal analysis …
In this work, anthracite based amorphous carbon was developed for use as an anode material in Na-ion batteries. The anthracite based amorphous carbon showed modest electrochemical performance in a half-cell, where the best amor-phous carbon achieved an initial capacity of 220 mAh/g, and a stable capacity
Due to the increasingly serious problems of the greenhouse effect and environmental pollution caused by the continuous consumption of traditional fossil energy, renewable and clean energy (such as solar energy and wind energy) is facing new opportunities and challenges. However, renewable energy has intermittent and regional defects, and …
SIBs have the potential to outperform lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) in terms of high and low-temperature resistance, safety, and electrolyte conductivity [1, 2], which makes them a new generation of potentially efficient electrochemical energy storage devices that can be substituted for LIBs, and especially well suited for the solution of large-scale energy storage …
In addition, growing economies in the Far East, South America and India are driving up demand for anthracite. Blaschak Anthracite is uniquely positioned to serve as a global supplier of anthracite, with rail access to East Coast ports. Lattimer Mammoth Vein Representative Analysis. St. Nicholas Processing Plant Represntative Analysis
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are the dominating power sources in portable electronics and electric vehicles nowadays [1,2,3,4,5,6,7].Graphite has been the choice of anode for LIBs since 1991 due to its stable electrochemical performance [].However, its low theoretical specific capacity (372 mAh·g −1) becomes a limiting factor for further increasing the energy …
Unlike lithium-ion batteries, where graphite is commonly used, it is not suitable for sodium-ion technology. Therefore, the aim is to identify an alternative material. Anthracite appears to...
Contemporary uses for fine anthracite include as anodes for batteries and in supercapacitors; Anthracite is the superior choice of coal and is the ideal material as a carbon source, with applications from the foundry all the way to the …
Contemporary uses for fine anthracite include as anodes for batteries and in supercapacitors; Anthracite is the superior choice of coal and is the ideal material as a carbon source, with applications from the foundry all the way to the desalination plant. African Pegmatite is a leading supplier and miller of the finest quality anthracite for ...
These excellent properties meet the requirements of practical applications and lay the foundation for the industrial production of low-cost, high-safety sodium-ion batteries for large-scale energy …
In this study, impurities were removed from anthracite coal by a combination of concentrated alkali high temperature pretreatment and concentrated acid treatment, followed by high temperature calcination to …
The addition of CNTs significantly improves the electrical properties of amorphous carbon anode materials due to the good electronic conductivity. This anthracite-based carbon with CNTs (A-C) anode displays a specific cycling capacity of 360 mAh·g-1 at the current density of 200 mA·g-1 after 200 cycles in LIBs. We believe that the ...
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