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Thixotropy of lithium battery slurry

Lithium-ion battery (LIB) manufacturing optimization is crucial to reduce its CO2 fingerprint and cost, while improving their electrochemical performance. In this article, we present an… Constitutive modelling and pipeline flow of thixotropic viscoplastic wastewater sludge.

How thixotropic properties affect the coating process of lithium-ion batteries?

The thixotropic properties of electrode slurry used in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries affect the coating processes. Understanding the relationship between its structural parameters and microstructure evolution will be helpful for slurry preparation and coating processes.

How to test thixotropic behavior of battery slurries with natural and synthetic graphite?

A three-step flow test to evaluate the thixotropic behavior of battery slurries with natural and synthetic graphite. (a) with natural graphite; The flow viscosity measurement over a wide range of shear rate is important to study the stability and processability of the electrode slurry.

What is thixotropy in slurry?

These flow curves form distinct clockwise loops, indicating positive thixotropy. The thixotropic property of slurry is mainly attributed to the destruction and recovery of transient network structure formed by nano-particles, responsible for the instability of slurry under shear flow.

Is Lib cathode slurry thixotropic?

LIB slurry exhibits complex rheological phenomena during its preparation and subsequent use in the electrode coating process. In this work, a constitutive model is proposed based on the structural kinetics approach then applied to describe the thixotropic behavior of LIB cathode slurry.

What are the rheological properties of battery slurries?

Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the rheological properties of the battery slurry at various scales is necessary to optimize the LIB manufacturing process. LIB slurries are multi-component suspensions exhibiting various complex rheological properties, including yielding, viscoelastic, thixotropic, and shear-thinning behaviors.

Does temperature affect thixotropic behavior of slurry?

In the flow experiments, the thixotropic behavior of the slurry is observed at all temperatures tested, and it is reduced with the increase in temperature.

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

Lithium-ion battery (LIB) manufacturing optimization is crucial to reduce its CO2 fingerprint and cost, while improving their electrochemical performance. In this article, we present an… Constitutive modelling and pipeline flow of thixotropic viscoplastic wastewater sludge.

Structural Kinetics Model to Describe the Thixotropic Behavior of ...

Keywords Lithium-ion battery slurry · constitutive model · thixotropy · structural kinetics Introduction With the development of new energy industries, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are now important components of portable electronics, large power supplies, electric vehicles, second-ary charging systems, and various energy storage devices. 1 It

Rheological Evaluation of Battery Slurries with …

Electrode manufacturing for lithium-ion batteries—Analysis of current and next generation processing. 2019, Journal of Energy Storage, p. 100862. 2. Hawley, Blake W. and Li, Jianlin. Beneficial rheological properties of lithium-ion battery …

Rheological Evaluation of Battery Slurries with Different Graphite ...

The thixotropy of the slurry has great impact on the coating and drying of the electrode and thus the electrode quality (7). The comparison of the thixotropic properties between these two battery slurries is summarized in table 1. Within the shear rate range defined in …

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

The rheological properties of electrode slurry are mainly influenced by the concentration, which further affects the Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) quality and manufacturing processes. In this work, various methods including steady-state shear, creep, rheological model fitting, hysteresis loop, and small amplitude oscillatory shear ...

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

The rheological properties of electrode slurry are mainly influenced by the concentration, which further affects the Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) quality and manufacturing processes. In this …

Structural Kinetics Model to Describe the Thixotropic Behavior of ...

The thixotropic properties of electrode slurry used in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries affect the coating processes. Understanding the relationship between its structural parameters and ...

Temperature-dependent rheological behavior of cathode slurry …

Especially, the successful application of LMFP suspension to lithium slurry battery was demonstrated by a relatively stable cycle over 230 h. Our findings will be helpful for the development of ...

Temperature-dependent rheological behavior of cathode slurry …

In the flow experiments, the thixotropic behavior of the slurry is observed at all temperatures tested, and it is reduced with the increase in temperature.

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and viscoelasticity rheological behavior of lithium-ion battery slurry. https://doi /10.1016/j.ceramint.2022. ...

Temperature-dependent rheological behavior of cathode slurry for ...

In the flow experiments, the thixotropic behavior of the slurry is observed at all temperatures tested, and it is reduced with the increase in temperature.

Structural Kinetics Model to Describe the Thixotropic Behavior of ...

The thixotropic properties of electrode slurry used in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries affect the coating processes. Understanding the relationship between its structural parameters and microstructure evolution will be helpful for slurry preparation and coating processes.

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and viscoelasticity rheological behavior of lithium-ion battery slurry 、

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

The rheological properties of electrode slurry are mainly influenced by the concentration, which further affects the Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) quality and manufacturing processes. In this work, various methods including steady-state shear, creep, rheological model fitting, hysteresis loop, and small amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS ...

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

Characterization of slurries for lithium-ion battery cathodes by measuring their flow and change in hydrostatic pressure over time and clarification of the relationship between slurry and cathode properties

Agitation Effect on the Rheological Behavior of Lithium-Ion Battery ...

We analyzed the rheological and morphological characteristics of a multicomponent slurry system consisting of an active material, conductive additive, and binder. The effect of storage time and agitation on the rheological properties was investigated. In particular, we concentrated on the yield stress and power law index to demonstrate the …

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

The rheological properties of electrode slurry are mainly influenced by the concentration, which further affects the Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) quality and manufacturing processes. In this work, various methods including steady-state shear, creep, rheological model fitting, hysteresis loop, and small amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) measurement were employed to investigate the ...

Complex rheological response of Li-ion battery anode slurries

This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the complex rheological properties of lithium-ion battery anode slurries, vital for optimizing the battery manufacturing process. The transient behavior of the slurry is significantly influenced by time and shear rate scales, as evidenced through a series of rheological measurements. Yielding ...

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

Lithium-ion battery (LIB) manufacturing optimization is crucial to reduce its CO2 fingerprint and cost, while improving their electrochemical performance. In this article, we …

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

In this work, various methods including steady-state shear, creep, rheological model fitting, hysteresis loop, and small amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) measurement were employed to investigate...

Evaluation of slurry characteristics for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries

The chemophysical properties of slurries, which are influenced by the interaction among active materials, conductive additives, and polymer binders in the slurry solvent, play a key role in determining the performance of lithium-ion secondary batteries [19], [20] deed, the dispersion of the slurry constituents is a key factor affecting the rheological behavior of the …

Battery Electrode Slurry Rheology

A lithium-ion battery is generally composed of two electrodes that are spatially separated, a separator between the electrode (usually a microporous membrane), and an electrolyte. The electrode contains a solid matrix that contains an active material, additives for conductivity improvement (often carbon black) and a binder. The solid matrix in the electrode is usually …

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

In this work, various methods including steady-state shear, creep, rheological model fitting, hysteresis loop, and small amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) measurement …

Structural Kinetics Model to Describe the Thixotropic Behavior of ...

The thixotropic properties of electrode slurry used in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries affect the coating processes. Understanding the relationship between its …

Concentration dependence of yield stress, thixotropy, and ...

Characterization of slurries for lithium-ion battery cathodes by measuring their flow and change in hydrostatic pressure over time and clarification of the relationship between …

Rheological Evaluation of Battery Slurries with Different Graphite ...

The thixotropy of the slurry has great impact on the coating and drying of the electrode and thus the electrode quality (7). The comparison of the thixotropic properties between these two …

(electrical impedance spectroscopy,EIS)、 (scanning electron microscopy,SEM), (cathode slurry) …

(electrical impedance spectroscopy,EIS)、 (scanning electron microscopy,SEM), (cathode slurry)、,。 COMSOL Multiphysics,,EIS。 …

Complex rheological response of Li-ion battery anode slurries

This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the complex rheological properties of lithium-ion battery anode slurries, vital for optimizing the battery manufacturing …