RETURN TO ISSUE PREV A: Structure, Spectr... NEXT Cite this: J. Phys. Chem. A 2023, 127, 43, 8985–8993 The donors are key components of organic solar cells (OSCs) and play crucial roles in their photovoltaic performance.
This article has not yet been cited by other publications. The donors are key components of organic solar cells (OSCs) and play crucial roles in their photovoltaic performance. Herein, we designed two new donors (BTR-γ-Cl and BTR-γ-F) by finely optimizing ...
Cite this: J. Phys. Chem. A 2023, 127, 43, 8985–8993 The donors are key components of organic solar cells (OSCs) and play crucial roles in their photovoltaic performance. Herein, we designed two new donors (BTR-γ-Cl and BTR-γ-F) by finely optimizing small molecule donors (BTR-Cl and BTR-F) with a high performance.
Thus, the donor polymer is an important source of instability that must be addressed in OSCs. The poor operational stability of non-fullerene electron acceptor (NFA) organic solar cells (OSCs) currently limits their commercial application.
Organic photovoltaic cells made with semiconducting polymers remain one of the most promising technologies for low-cost solar energy due to their compatibility with roll-to-roll printing techniques. The development of new light-absorbing polymers has driven tremendous advances in the power conversion efficiency of these devices.
The poor operational stability of non-fullerene electron acceptor (NFA) organic solar cells (OSCs) currently limits their commercial application. While previous studies have primarily focused on the degradation of the NFA component, we also consider here the electron donor material.
Insight into organic photovoltaic cell: Prospect and challenges
OPV cells hold multiple benefits compared to their inorganic equivalents, including high flexibility, low weight, and the promise of inexpensive solution manufacturing. Typically, the active layer OPV cells comprise a blend of electron-donating and electron-receiving organic materials that may absorb a wide range of sunlight on adjustment.
The critical role of the donor polymer in the stability of …
Organic solar cells (OSCs) show great promise for clean energy generation. However, the long-term stability of OSC devices is not good enough for commercial applications. In our work, we identify a light-induced twisting in …
A 16.4% efficiency organic photovoltaic cell enabled using two donor …
In this study, we report an unprecedented ternary material system, PBDB-TF:PBDB-T-SF:Y6, in which PBDB-T-SF is selected as the donor polymer guest of the PBDB-TF:Y6 binary blend. The absorption spectra of both polymers are almost overlapped and their energy levels are similar.
A Chlorinated π-Conjugated Polymer Donor for Efficient Organic Solar Cells
The results demonstrated chlorination of the thiophene moiety could fine-tune the HOMO level of the corresponding polymer as well as the carrier mobility and morphologies of the blend film, eventually improving its photovoltaic properties as …
Overview: Photovoltaic Solar Cells, Science, Materials, Artificial ...
3.1 Inorganic Semiconductors, Thin Films. The commercially availabe first and second generation PV cells using semiconductor materials are mostly based on silicon (monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous, thin films) modules as well as cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) and gallium arsenide (GaAs) cells whereas …
Efficient Ternary Organic Solar Cells with Suppressed Nonradiative ...
3 · Organic solar cells (OSCs) have developed rapidly in recent years. However, the energy loss (Eloss) remains a major obstacle to further improving the photovoltaic …
Designing Benzodithiophene-Based Small Molecule …
The donors are key components of organic solar cells (OSCs) and play crucial roles in their photovoltaic performance. Herein, we designed two new donors (BTR-γ-Cl and BTR-γ-F) by finely optimizing small molecule …
Chlorinated Polythiophene‐Based Donors with Reduced Energy …
The industrialization of organic solar cells (OSCs) faces challenges due to complex synthesis routes and high costs of organic photovoltaic materials. To address this, we …
Wide-bandgap polymer donors for non-fullerene organic solar cells ...
Importantly, PTVT-BT also exhibited decent photovoltaic properties in indoor and tandem cells. 53 These results indicate that these PTs based on TVT can be a promising donor for the future industrialization of OPV due to their low cost and promising photovoltaic performances.
Advances in Polymer-Based Photovoltaic Cells: Review of
Zhang M, Wang H, Tian H, Geng Y, Tang CW (2011) Bulk heterojunction photovoltaic cells with low donor concentration. Adv Mater 23:4960–4964. Google Scholar Mihailetchi VD, Wildeman J, Blom PWM (2005) Space-charge limited photocurrent. Phys Rev Lett 94:126602. Google Scholar
Organic Solar Cells: An Introduction to Organic Photovoltaics
A concise overview of organic solar cells, also known as organic photovoltaics (OPVs), a 3rd-generation solar cell technology. OPVs are advantageous due to their affordability & low material toxicity. Their efficiencies are comparable to those of low-cost commercial silicon solar cells.
Efficient Ternary Organic Solar Cells with Suppressed Nonradiative ...
3 · Organic solar cells (OSCs) have developed rapidly in recent years. However, the energy loss (Eloss) remains a major obstacle to further improving the photovoltaic performance. To address this issue, a ternary strategy has been employed to precisely tune the Eloss and boost the efficiency of OSCs. The B‒N-based polymer donor has been proved process high E(T1) …
Design and Synthesis of Molecular Donors for Solution-Processed …
Organic semiconductors incorporated into solar cells using a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) construction show promise as a cleaner answer to increasing energy needs throughout the world.
Achieving 31% efficiency in organic photovoltaic cells …
Achieving 31% efficiency in organic photovoltaic cells under indoor light using a low energetic disorder polymer donor ... donors with wide bandgaps and low energetic disorders are critical for fabricating high …
Recent advances in high performance donor-acceptor polymers …
In this review, we will detail the recent advances made in donor-acceptor (D-A) copolymers for OPV applications, with particular focus on key polymer structural features that contribute to their high performance.
Chlorinated Polythiophene‐Based Donors with Reduced Energy …
The industrialization of organic solar cells (OSCs) faces challenges due to complex synthesis routes and high costs of organic photovoltaic materials. To address this, we designed and synthesized a series of polythiophene-based donor materials, PTVT-T- x Cl (20%Cl, 50%Cl and 100%Cl), by introducing different degrees of chlorine ...
The critical role of the donor polymer in the stability of ...
Organic solar cells (OSCs) show great promise for clean energy generation. However, the long-term stability of OSC devices is not good enough for commercial applications. In our work, we identify a light-induced twisting in the backbone of the electron donor polymer, which is enhanced in ambient air, as a dominant degradation ...
Organic solar cell
Fig. 1. Schematic of plastic solar cells. PET – polyethylene terephthalate, ITO – indium tin oxide, PEDOT:PSS – poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), active layer (usually a polymer:fullerene blend), Al – aluminium. An organic solar cell …
A Chlorinated π-Conjugated Polymer Donor for …
We reported a chlorinated polymer donor PBT4T-Cl that showed a high PCE of 11.18%. The results demonstrated chlorination of the thiophene moiety could fine-tune the HOMO level of the corresponding …
Small-molecular donor guest achieves rigid 18.5% and ...
Whereas, incorporating G17 in the D18-Cl:Y6 system gave the best device performance with a PCE of 17.13%, V OC of 0.858 V, J SC of 25.99 mA/cm 2, and FF of 76.79%, which may be owing to the disordered molecular orientation of the guest donor and the absorption response overlapping with the host donor. The detailed photovoltaic parameters of the ...
A Chlorinated π-Conjugated Polymer Donor for …
The results demonstrated chlorination of the thiophene moiety could fine-tune the HOMO level of the corresponding polymer as well as the carrier mobility and morphologies of the blend film, eventually improving its …
Design and Synthesis of Molecular Donors for Solution …
Organic semiconductors incorporated into solar cells using a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) construction show promise as a cleaner answer to increasing energy needs throughout the world.
A 16.4% efficiency organic photovoltaic cell enabled …
In this study, we report an unprecedented ternary material system, PBDB-TF:PBDB-T-SF:Y6, in which PBDB-T-SF is selected as the donor polymer guest of the PBDB-TF:Y6 binary blend. The absorption spectra of both polymers are …
Physical insights into non-fullerene organic photovoltaics
Non-fullerene acceptors have boosted the development of organic photovoltaics. This Review highlights the photophysics and device physics of non-fullerene organic photovoltaics, including exciton ...
Theoretical investigation of benzodithiophene-based donor …
For organic photovoltaic systems, the benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′] dithiophene unit (BDT) is an excellent donor material. 18,19 The planarity and π-conjugation of its structure, which is both rigid and asymmetrical, allows for efficient charge transfer. To make oligomer, BDT has been linked to diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) units in the past ...
Theoretical investigation of benzodithiophene-based donor …
For organic photovoltaic systems, the benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′] dithiophene unit (BDT) is an excellent donor material. 18,19 The planarity and π-conjugation of its structure, which is …
Insight into organic photovoltaic cell: Prospect and challenges
OPV cells hold multiple benefits compared to their inorganic equivalents, including high flexibility, low weight, and the promise of inexpensive solution manufacturing. Typically, the active layer OPV cells comprise a blend of electron-donating and electron-receiving organic materials that …
Designing Benzodithiophene-Based Small Molecule Donors for …
The donors are key components of organic solar cells (OSCs) and play crucial roles in their photovoltaic performance. Herein, we designed two new donors (BTR-γ-Cl and BTR-γ-F) by finely optimizing small molecule donors (BTR-Cl and BTR-F) with a high performance. The optoelectronic properties of the four donors and their interfacial ...
Recent advances in high performance donor-acceptor polymers …
In this review, we will detail the recent advances made in donor-acceptor (D-A) copolymers for OPV applications, with particular focus on key polymer structural features that …
Mapping the energy level alignment at donor/acceptor ...
Energy level alignment (ELA) at donor (D) -acceptor (A) heterojunctions is essential for understanding the charge generation and recombination process in organic photovoltaic devices. However, the ...