The first method is a standard PI controller. The second way is the intelligent ANFIS controller, a hybrid control solution that blends a fuzzy logic controller with an artificial neural network. To make sure the motor runs at the appropriate speed, the BLDC motor speed control is essential.
Thus, we can state that the main contribution of this paper was the design of a discrete predictive controller to regulate the speed of a universal motor, and the subsequent modification of the experimental setup to emulate an electric car battery to test fault scenarios and propose an innovative statistical fault detection method.
There have been many other control strategies for the speed control of DC motors, for example, the well-known sliding mode control theory was used in [ 5 ], the H -robust control was invoked in [ 6 ], the adaptive control point of view was conceived in [ 7 ], and machine learning techniques were used in [ 8 ].
This regenerative power is transferred from the drive motor to the energy controller by which the power can be optimally allocated to the battery and the speed regulating motor of the flywheel system, at the same time, the optimal electric braking torque derived from the energy controller is sent to the braking controller.
5. Hence, for the purpose of controlling the BLDC motor drive's speed, we choose for the ANFIS controller. To examine how the drive train system responds to changes in the drive/control signal commands, the output torque of the BLDC motor is transmitted to the drive train model.
In this way, the proportion and integration coefficients kp, ki, kpu and kiu in the PI controllers are automatically adjusted based on BP and RBF neural networks, which improves the stability and robustness of the flywheel system. Remark 1. Generally, the performance of the battery is affected by ambient temperature.
Electromagnetic Variable-speed Motor
Speed-regulating motor can continuously run with rated loads under the following conditions: 1. Rated voltage, comply with the specified value on nameplate on the asynchronous motor 2. Rated frequency, comply with the specified value on nameplate on he asynchronous motor 3. Altitude above sea level ≦1000m 4. The ambient cooling air maximum allowable temperature is 40℃ …
Optimization and control of battery-flywheel compound energy …
The objective of this research is to maximize the total braking energy recovered and improve the speed regulating performance of the flywheel motor by optimization and …
Multi-objective optimization of PI controller for BLDC motor speed ...
Implement a PI controller using swarm intelligence to control the motor speed of EVs. Employ PSO and DE to automate PI controller tuning for efficient BLDC motor speed control. Develop a Simulink prototype to validate speed control and energy efficiency of BLDC motors.
Predictive Speed Control of a DC Universal Motor Applied to
Given the above, the main objective of this article is four-fold: to design an experimental platform for the speed control of a DC motor (Target 1) by using a simple predictive control (Target 2), and to emulate an electric vehicle battery on the road (Target 3) for health monitoring using only classical statistical tools (Target 4 ...
Critical Review on Robust Speed Control Techniques for …
The permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is a highly efficient energy saving machine. Due to its simple structural characteristics, good heat radiation capability, and high efficiency, PMSMs ...
How to get fine DC brush motor speed regulation?
I want to get a fine speed regulation of Pittman DC 24 V brushed motor with 10,000 RPM for a hobby project. The voltage I will use is battery 12 V DC, so does that mean the speed will be 5,000 RPM? I will try to find ready gearbox combination with 400 : 1 ratio because I want to get around 12.5 RPM at the shaft. The load will be pretty constant ...
Motor Control 101 for Battery-Powered Applications
The 3-phase full-bridge topology with proper control algorithms enable precise control over motor speed and direction, ensuring the efficient and reliable operation of battery …
Battery State of Charge Management for an Electric Vehicle …
The primary goal of this technique is to restrict the change in battery SOC from exceeding a maximum limit, by compensating for the motor speed tracking performance. It employs a fuzzy-tuned model predictive controller (FMPC), where a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) adjusts the …
Predictive Speed Control of a DC Universal Motor …
Given the above, the main objective of this article is four-fold: to design an experimental platform for the speed control of a DC motor (Target 1) by using a simple predictive control (Target 2), and to emulate an electric vehicle …
Design, control and performance comparison of PI and
In this work, the speed of the BLDC motor is controlled by using a pulse width modulation (PWM). In the PWM control, the switching components are rapidly switched at a …
Variable Speed Control for AC Motors: A Guide – My Blog
These advancements in AC motor speed control technology have paved the way for more efficient and versatile motor applications. Industries such as manufacturing, HVAC, and automotive have greatly benefited from the enhanced control and energy-saving capabilities of modern AC motor speed control techniques. The continuous advancements in AC motor …
Battery Energy Management Techniques for an Electric Vehicle …
Abstract: This paper presents two battery energy management (BEM) techniques for an electric vehicle (EV) traction system which incorporates an indirect field-oriented (IFO) induction motor (IM) drive system. The main objective of the proposed BEM techniques is to regulate the IM''s speed while minimizing the lithium-ion (Li-ion ...
(PDF) An Improved Tuning of PID Controller for PV Battery …
In this study, speed control of PV battery-powered brushless DC motor (BLDC) is controlled by novel hybrid horse herd particle swarm optimization- (HHHPSO-) tuned …
Using Current Regulation in DC Motor Drivers
In battery-powered systems, battery life is reduced by drawing high-current pulses, even if they are for a limited duration, so it is beneficial to limit the current when the motor starts up. Motor Driver Current Regulation . Many motor driver ICs include some form of current limiting or current regulation. An example of a motor driver IC is MPS''s MP6522, an H-bridge motor driver (see …
Speed Control of Industrial Motor Drives–Current Developments
The motor speed response, operating at 1300 rpm under constant V/f control, has a rise time of 0.13 seconds, a settling time of 0.164 seconds, no overshoot, and a total harmonic distortion of 19.26%. 2. Uses conventional V/f control-based inverter [6] Helps with high-speed air-braking start-up issues that plague the traditional v/f control approach. Because of the current …
Battery Energy Management Techniques for an Electric Vehicle …
Abstract: This paper presents two battery energy management (BEM) techniques for an electric vehicle (EV) traction system which incorporates an indirect field-oriented (IFO) …
Development of an Electric Vehicle Synchronous Reluctance Motor …
The boostable and well-regulated DC-link voltage with robust regulation control can enhance the motor driving performance in wide speed range. And the regenerative …
(PDF) An Improved Tuning of PID Controller for PV Battery …
In this study, speed control of PV battery-powered brushless DC motor (BLDC) is controlled by novel hybrid horse herd particle swarm optimization- (HHHPSO-) tuned proportional integral...
Speed Regulation Control for an Integrated Motor-Transmission …
World Electric Vehicle Journal 2020, 11, 53 3 of 12 (0 Þ à ß á â ã 5 2GGVKDIW &/ &/ ''LIIHUHQWLDO (YHQV KDIW 6<1 6<1 6<1 6<1 5 Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the IMT system (EM: electric ...
Premium battery Powered BBQ Rotisserie Kit Automatic Single ...
2. One motor can drive weight maximum 15-100 kg food, adjustable speed. 3. can use car battery 4. DC 12V/AC 110-240V 5. Designed for the grill with a portable backpack,can print your logo. customized motor shape and motor shaft service provide.Just tell us your request. Heavy duty whole lamb pig hog grill rotisserie roaster bbq motor
Speed Control of Industrial Motor Drives–Current Developments
The precise regulation of motor speed can be accomplished by manipulating the magnitude of electric current passing through the q-axis. In electric motor drives, FOC is a form of control strategy used most often with induction motors and permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs). The goal of FOC is to allow
Optimization and control of battery-flywheel compound energy storage ...
The objective of this research is to maximize the total braking energy recovered and improve the speed regulating performance of the flywheel motor by optimization and control of the battery-flywheel compound energy storage system. For which, the following research work that reflects the main novelty of this paper is done. First, considering ...
Speed Regulation of Brushless DC Motor Drive Using …
At 0.1 s, the speed reference is reduced to 1500 rpm. To respect this new speed set point, the control system produces a large negative torque. Notice the reduced frequency of the motor phase currents. At 0.15 s, a negative load …
Development of an Electric Vehicle Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drive
The boostable and well-regulated DC-link voltage with robust regulation control can enhance the motor driving performance in wide speed range. And the regenerative braking energy can be successfully recovered to the battery. In SynRM drive, the robust current PWM switching control considering inherent slotting effects and robust ...
Multi-objective optimization of PI controller for BLDC motor speed ...
Implement a PI controller using swarm intelligence to control the motor speed of EVs. Employ PSO and DE to automate PI controller tuning for efficient BLDC motor speed …