119 The Solar Cycle
Describe the sunspot cycle and, more generally, the solar cycle; Explain how magnetism is the source of solar activity
Describe the sunspot cycle and, more generally, the solar cycle; Explain how magnetism is the source of solar activity
At the beginning of a solar cycle, the Sun has the fewest sunspots (the solar minimum). The number of sunspots peak in the middle of the cycle (the solar maximum). After the solar maximum, the number of sunspots decreases again and a new cycle begins.
The solar activity cycle is poorly understood: predictions made for the current Cycle 24 have proved to be generally wrong. However, the re-evaluation of the relationships in the light of unexpected shortcomings is likely to lead to a better physical understanding of solar physics.
The 11-year solar cycle is today known in the scientific literature as the Schwabe sunspot cycle. The theory has always been taken with a certain skepticism because the distance of the planets from our star is so great that the gravitational tides induced by them on the surface of the Sun are tiny.
Not all solar cycles are the same; some have more sunspots than others. At the peak of active, strong solar cycles, the extra energy that reaches the Earth from the Sun might increase by around 0.1 percent, increasing global average temperatures by 0.05-0.1 degree Celsius.
This 22-year cycle, manifested in magnetic phenomena including the reversal of the poles of the solar magnetic dipole, underlines the fundamental role played by solar magnetism in controlling the solar activity cycle (Petrie et al. 2014, this issue; Wang 2014, this issue; Cliver 2014, this issue).
Over historical timescales, the Sun’s activity has been variable over many timescales, with longer intervals of recurrence (see, e.g. Usoskin 2013), although the 11-year periodicity appears to have survived through all other modulation effects of solar activity. The duration of the cycles is itself quite variable.
Describe the sunspot cycle and, more generally, the solar cycle; Explain how magnetism is the source of solar activity
What Are Solar Cycles? The Sun goes through periodic changes known as solar cycles. They can vary in length but last about 11 years on average. [3] . The intensity of solar radiation reaching Earth''s surface varies during these cycles. This is because sunspots (dark areas) on the Sun''s surface will increase and decrease in number during the cycle.
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We now know that the Sun is in a perpetual state of change: its surface is a seething, bubbling cauldron of hot gas. Areas that are darker and cooler than the rest of the surface come and go. Vast plumes of gas erupt into the chromosphere and corona.
Solar activity and climate change are characterized by specific oscillations. The most relevant ones are known in the literature as the cycles of Bray±Hallstatt (2100±2500 year), Eddy …
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A gas turbine engine is one of the technologies which can be driven by renewable energy resources such as solar radiation and biofuels. This engine exhibits higher thermodynamic performance compared to the widely exploited steam cycle. Existing gas turbines are designed to operate on conventional fuels and, therefore, they need modification ...
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This introductory paper and the reviews in the volume describe and discuss the current state of understanding of the causal chains that lead from the variable nature of the solar magnetic fields to the variability of solar phenomena.
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The polarity of the pairs of sunspots reverses every solar cycle. At the beginning of the solar cycle the bipolar regions (pair of sunspots) appear at high heliolatitudes (Sporer''s law) with opposite polarity with respect to the polarity of the bipolar regions of the same hemisphere of the previous solar cycle. It is evident that the Sun is a ...
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This introductory paper and the reviews in the volume describe and discuss the current state of understanding of the causal chains that lead from the variable nature of the …
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What Are Solar Cycles? The Sun goes through periodic changes known as solar cycles. They can vary in length but last about 11 years on average. [3] . The intensity of solar radiation reaching Earth''s surface varies during these cycles. …
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